Habotest HT608 viedais gaisa kvalitātes detektors, PM 2.5, PM10, benzols

Предназначено: Влаги
ID товара: 23414756

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Описание товара: Habotest HT608 viedais gaisa kvalitātes detektors, PM 2.5, PM10, benzols

Habotest HT608 smart air quality detector.

Take care of the right air quality in your home. The Habotest smart air quality detector will help you do that. The device displays real-time data and takes precise measurements. The display will provide you with the most important information about the HT608's operation, and convenient buttons will make the product easy to use.

Precise measurements

Pollutants in the air are the cause of many diseases, so you should ensure that the quality of the air in your home is at a high level. The device provides precise measurements in real time. Moreover, the detector tests formaldehyde, PM 2.5, PM10, aviation organics, temperature, humidity, benzene.

Simple, convenient operation

The device displays measurement results on a color TFT screen, so you get clear and convenient access to the most important information. In addition, three buttons make it easy to use the detector. You can also turn off the screen's backlight for the night so that it doesn't disturb your sleep.

Durable battery

The Habotest smart air quality detector is equipped with a 2500 mAh 18650 battery, which translates into about 420 minutes of operation on a single charge. Moreover, it ensures safe use and is durable.

Thoughtful design

Habotest HT608 is equipped with an advanced ARM chip, which affects the device's efficient operation and low power consumption. What's more, it has an indicator that uses green, yellow and red colors to indicate good, medium and bad air quality, respectively.




Tested parameters
formaldehyde, PM 2.5, PM10, aviation organics, temperature, humidity, benzene


Power supply
18650 rechargeable battery

Operating temperature

Working humidity
0-90% RH

living room, office, school, kindergarten, nursing home, hotel, car

80 x 68 x 146 mm

249 g

Data recording

Общая информация o: Habotest HT608 viedais gaisa kvalitātes detektors, PM 2.5, PM10, benzols

ID товара: 23414756
Категория: Измерители влажности, температуры, pH, ORP
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,18 x 0,09 x 0,16 м, 0,5 кг
Предназначено: Влаги
Торговая марка: Habotest
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары Habotest

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Habotest HT608 viedais gaisa kvalitātes detektors, PM 2.5, PM10, benzols
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