Statistics for Terrified Biologists 2nd edition

Автор: Helmut F. van Emden
Количество страниц: 432
Год публикации: 2019
ID товара: 24160011

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Описание товара: Statistics for Terrified Biologists 2nd edition

Makes mathematical and statistical analysis understandable to even the least math-minded biology student This unique textbook aims to demystify statistical formulae for the average biology student. Written in a lively and engaging style, Statistics for Terrified Biologists, 2nd Edition draws on the author’s 30 years of lecturing experience to teach statistical methods to even the most guarded of biology students. It presents basic methods using straightforward, jargon-free language. Students are taught to use simple formulae and how to interpret what is being measured with each test and statistic, while at the same time learning to recognize overall patterns and guiding principles. Complemented by simple examples and useful case studies, this is an ideal statistics resource tool for undergraduate biology and environmental science students who lack confidence in their mathematical abilities.  Statistics for Terrified Biologists presents readers with the basic foundations of parametric statistics, the t-test, analysis of variance, linear regression and chi-square, and guides them to important extensions of these techniques. It introduces them to non-parametric tests, and includes a checklist of non-parametric methods linked to their parametric counterparts. The book also provides many end-of-chapter summaries and additional exercises to help readers understand and practice what they’ve learned. Presented in a clear and easy-to-understand style Makes statistics tangible and enjoyable for even the most hesitant student Features multiple formulas to facilitate comprehension Written by of the foremost entomologists of his generation This second edition of Statistics for Terrified Biologists is an invaluable guide that will be of great benefit to pre-health and biology undergraduate students.

Общая информация o: Statistics for Terrified Biologists 2nd edition

ID товара: 24160011
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Не указано
Автор: Helmut F. van Emden
Количество страниц: 432
Год публикации: 2019

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