You Can Have It All, Just Not At The Same Damn Time: A Guide for Women Everywhere

Автор: Romi Neustadt
Количество страниц: 224
Год публикации: 2020
ID товара: 24652736
Продавец: Krisostomus Latvija 4.9
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Продавец: Krisostomus Latvija 4.9
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Описание товара: You Can Have It All, Just Not At The Same Damn Time: A Guide for Women Everywhere

"Bestselling author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and life and business coach Romi Neustadt has a message for women: You CAN have it all--just not at the same damn time. Romi Neustadt is a mom of two, a wife, a daughter, bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and coach. What's more, she's achieved these things without a staff of 10, the ability to sleep two hours a night or driving herself batsh*t crazy. She's figured out the key to having it all: Priorities, babe. In her second book, Romi provides a no-BS blueprint for women to figure out what to focus on and what not to. She explains why saying YES to everything and everyone really means saying NO to the things that matter -- to your goals, your dreams, and your true self. The key to achieving your wildest dreams isn't to downsize them. It's to embrace them more fully, and discard everything that isn't serving them. Written in the same down-to-earth, accessible style that made her first book, Get Over Your Damn Self, a beloved bestseller, this book is for every woman who wants to live a fulfilled, authentic life without feeling stressed and exhausted. Romi is living proof that it's possible, and you will be too"--
A best-selling author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and life and business coach has a message for women: You CAN have it all—just not all at the same time. By the author of Get Over Your Damn Self.
Bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker, and life and business coach Romi Neustadt has a message for women: You CAN have it all--just not at the same damn time.Romi Neustadt is a mom of two, a wife, a daughter, bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and coach. What's more, she's achieved these things without a staff of 10, the ability to sleep two hours a night or driving herself batsh*t crazy. She's figured out the key to having it all: Priorities, babe.In her second book, Romi provides a no-BS blueprint for women to figure out what to focus on and what not to. She explains why saying YES to everything and everyone really means saying NO to the things that matter -- to your goals, your dreams, and your true self. The key to achieving your wildest dreams isn't to downsize them. It's to embrace them more fully, and discard everything that isn't serving them. This book will teach you how to:  •  Zone in on what really matters to you, so you can ditch everything that isn't serving your dreams.  •  Recognize and embrace your true worth as a provider, partner, and all-around kickass human.  •  Say no to the millionth request from your kid's school for home-baked goods--without experiencing mom guilt.  •  Establish boundaries that stick with coworkers, friends, and family.  •  Ditch toxic relationships and the soul-sucking drama that accompanies them.  •  Stop feeling like an imposter in your own life.  •  Create habits that protect your time and energy.  •  Kick fear (of not being lovable, pretty, or good enough) to the curb once and for all.Written in the same down-to-earth, accessible style that made her first book, Get Over Your Damn Self, a beloved bestseller, this book is for every woman who wants to live a fulfilled, authentic life without feeling stressed and exhausted. Romi is living proof that it's possible, and you will be too.
Bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker, and life and business coach Romi Neustadt has a message for women: You CAN have it all--just not at the same damn time.Romi Neustadt is a mom of two, a wife, a daughter, bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and coach. What's more, she's achieved these things without a staff of 10, the ability to sleep two hours a night or driving herself batsh*t crazy. She's figured out the key to having it all: Priorities, babe.In her second book, Romi provides a no-BS blueprint for women to figure out what to focus on and what not to. She explains why saying YES to everything and everyone really means saying NO to the things that matter -- to your goals, your dreams, and your true self. The key to achieving your wildest dreams isn't to downsize them. It's to embrace them more fully, and discard everything that isn't serving them. This book will teach you how to:Zone in on what really matters to you, so you can ditch everything that isn't serving your dreams.Recognize and embrace your true worth as a provider, partner, and all-around kickass human.Say no to the millionth request from your kid's school for home-baked goods--without experiencing mom guilt.Establish boundaries that stick with coworkers, friends, and family.Ditch toxic relationships and the soul-sucking drama that accompanies them.Stop feeling like an imposter in your own life.Create habits that protect your time and energy.Kick fear (of not being lovable, pretty, or good enough) to the curb once and for all.Written in the same down-to-earth, accessible style that made her first book, Get Over Your Damn Self, a beloved bestseller, this book is for every woman who wants to live a fulfilled, authentic life without feeling stressed and exhausted. Romi is living proof that it's possible, and you will be too.

Общая информация o: You Can Have It All, Just Not At The Same Damn Time: A Guide for Women Everywhere

ID товара: 24652736
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,01 x 0,15 x 0,22 м, 0,36 кг
Издательство: Penguin Putnam Inc
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: экономика
Автор: Romi Neustadt
Количество страниц: 224
Год публикации: 2020

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