Back to Earth: What Life in Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet-And Our Mission to Protect It

Автор: Nicole Stott
Количество страниц: 304
Год публикации: 2021
ID товара: 21054607

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Описание товара: Back to Earth: What Life in Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet-And Our Mission to Protect It

A NASA astronaut who spent over one hundred days aboard the International Space Station discusses the lessons in problem-solving and crisis response she learned and how we can all use those skills to make positive change. 40,000 first printing.
"When NASA Astronaut Nicole Stott first saw the Earth from space, she was filled with awe. Our shared home was a brilliant blue marble, with a razor thin atmosphere protecting billions of people, including everyone she loved. She realized that we are allbound together on this fragile planet. When she came back to earth, she knew she had to share this vision to help protect it. Stott knows the scale of the daunting task at hand-and yet, she believes we can set aside our differences and work together to tackle the most challenging planetary problems humanity has ever faced. She knows this, because she's seen it happen, on the International Space Station. Throughout her book, Stott imparts hard-won lessons in high-stakes problem solving, survival, and responding to crisis in space. On a space station, astronauts can't wait for someone else to handle a rescue; and when it comes to our earthbound problems, Stott learned that everyone should live like a crewmember, not like a passenger. In space, where everyone survives in a closed system, everything is local-and Stott discovered that in a profound way, the same is true back at home. Back to Earth distills these lessons and more into seven principles that can be practiced by each and every one of us to make much-needed change. In addition to sharing stories from her own spaceflight, Stott offers eye-opening insights from scientists and changemakers already sparking meaningful change in their communities and around the globe. She explores the complexities and splendor of the earth's biodiversity, and what it takes to preserve it, with both pioneering scientists on earth and engineers working to enable life in space. She meets with activists who use their time in space to advocate for clean water, and with executives who quit their corporate positions and use their global reach to become environmental leaders. Through her stirring call to action, Nicole Stott reveals how we each have the power to respect the Earth and one another-and to change our own lives in the process. And, while we're at it, we might just save humanity"--
Inspired by insights gained in spaceflight, a NASA astronaut offers key lessons to empower Earthbound readers to fight climate changeWhen Nicole Stott first saw Earth from space, she realized how interconnected we are and knew she had to help protect our planetary home.In Back to Earth, Stott imparts essential lessons in problem-solving, survival, and crisis response that each of us can practice to make change. She knows we can overcome differences to address global issues, because she saw this every day on the International Space Station. Stott shares stories from her spaceflight and insights from scientists, activists, and changemakers working to solve our greatest environmental challenges. She learns about the complexities of Earth&;s biodiversity from NASA engineers working to enable life in space and from scientists protecting life on Earth for future generations. Ultimately, Stott reveals how we each have the power to respect our planetary home and one another by living our lives like crewmates, not passengers, on an inspiring shared mission

Общая информация o: Back to Earth: What Life in Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet-And Our Mission to Protect It

ID товара: 21054607
Категория: Книги по социальным наукам
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,16 x 0,24 м, 0,5 кг
Издательство: Basic Books
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Твердый
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Социология
Grāmatas fragments: Нет
Автор: Nicole Stott
Количество страниц: 304
Год публикации: 2021

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