Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL (R) iBT Test, with MyEnglishLab and online access to MP3 files and online Answer Key 3rd edition

Автор: Deborah Phillips
Год публикации: 2014
Количество страниц: 640
ID товара: 23411356

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Описание товара: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL (R) iBT Test, with MyEnglishLab and online access to MP3 files and online Answer Key 3rd edition

This new edition gives students all the tools they need to succeed on the new TOEFL® iBT integrated-skills test. Providing both a comprehensive language-skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the test, theLongman Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT® Test, Third Edition is appropriate for courses in TOEFL test preparation or as a supplement to more general ESL courses.New to the Third Edition: New guidelines and strategies for note-taking. New tips and hints throughout the practice sections. Downloadable audio program and teacher’s materials, including lesson plans and classroom activities.Access to MyEnglishLab: TOEFL: the easy-to-use online learning program, with extensive additional practice activities, pre- and post-tests, and three full-length tests.Features: Updated material for all the new types of test passages and questions. Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests that allow students to identify strengths and weaknesses and assess improvement in each section.Practice for all four skills:Reading provides practice exercises in the new test formats, including filling in a table or chartand paraphrasing. Listening provides authentic conversations in an academic setting and academic lectures with new questions about a speaker’s attitude or purpose.Speaking includes personal and expository tasks and integrated tasks. Writing consists of writing and expository tasks.Eight Mini-Tests that preview the test’s integrated four-skills format. Two complete Practice Tests that familiarize students with the actual test format, including length and level of difficulty.

Общая информация o: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL (R) iBT Test, with MyEnglishLab and online access to MP3 files and online Answer Key 3rd edition

ID товара: 23411356
Категория: Пособия по изучению иностранных языков
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Тип: Учебный материал по иностранным языкам
Издательство: Pearson Education (US)
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Автор: Deborah Phillips
Год публикации: 2014
Количество страниц: 640

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Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL (R) iBT Test, with MyEnglishLab and online access to MP3 files and online Answer Key 3rd edition
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