Thinking Through Questions: A Concise Invitation to Critical, Expansive, and Philosophical Inquiry

Автор: Anthony Weston, Stephen Bloch-Schulman
Год публикации: 2020
Количество страниц: 160
ID товара: 26426436

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Описание товара: Thinking Through Questions: A Concise Invitation to Critical, Expansive, and Philosophical Inquiry

Thinking Through Questions is an accessible and compact guide to the art of questioning, covering both the use and abuse of questions. Animated by wide-ranging and engaging exercises and examples, the book helps students deepen their understanding of how questions work and what questions do, and builds the skills needed to ask better questions. Cowritten by two of today's leading philosopher-teachers, Thinking Through Questions is specifically designed to complement, connect, and motivate today&;s standard curricula, especially for classes in critical thinking, philosophical questioning, and creative problem- solving (called here "expansive questioning"). Offering students a wide and appreciative look at questions and questioning, this small book will also appeal to faculty and students across the disciplines: in college writing courses, creativity workshops, education schools, introductions to college thinking, design thinking projects, and humanities and thinking classes. Open-ended, creative, and critically self-possessed thinking is its constant theme&;what field doesn&;t need more of that?

Общая информация o: Thinking Through Questions: A Concise Invitation to Critical, Expansive, and Philosophical Inquiry

ID товара: 26426436
Категория: Пособия по изучению иностранных языков
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Тип: Учебный материал по иностранным языкам
Издательство: Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Автор: Anthony Weston, Stephen Bloch-Schulman
Год публикации: 2020
Количество страниц: 160

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