How to Sous Vide: Easy, Delicious Perfection Any Night of the Week: 100plus Simple, Irresistible Recipes

Автор: Daniel Shumski
Количество страниц: 240
Год публикации: 2021
ID товара: 19447512

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Описание товара: How to Sous Vide: Easy, Delicious Perfection Any Night of the Week: 100plus Simple, Irresistible Recipes

The author of How to Instant Pot uses his expertise to offer an accessible guide to sous vide cooking, with clear instructions on using the equipment, finishing the food and 100 easy, delicious recipes that demonstrate the basics. 25,000 first printing. Original. Illustrations.
"Once used only by professional chefs, sous vide-a technique in which food is sealed in a bag and then cooked in a bath of warm, circulating water-is now taking off with home cooks. The reason is simple-you can pick up a top-rated circulator (the device needed to cook sous vide) for about a hundred bucks, and in no time start enjoying perfectly cooked steaks, custardy eggs, vegetables at the peak of flavor and bite, and more. But you will need help, which is where Daniel Shumski comes in. Just as he tamed the once intimidating pressure-cooker-on-steroids in his bestselling How to Instant Pot, Shumski now offers How to Sous Vide, a friendly, rigorously tested guide that demystifies cooking sous vide at home. First, Shumski gives readers all the knowledge they need to start-how to use the circulator, set up a water bath, seal food inside the bag, and dial in precise cooking times and temperatures for every ingredient. Following are delicious, inventive recipes, plus amazing hacks (how to sous vide cold-brew coffee!), that take full advantage of this revolutionary technique: Carnitas-Style Pork Shoulder, Miso-Butter Carrots, Chili-Garlic Shrimp-even incredible desserts cooked in a jar, like Berry-Chocolate Cheesecake and Salted Dulce de Leche. And suddenly you're cooking at a whole new level"--
Once used only by professional chefs, sous vide&;a technique in which food is sealed in a bag and then cooked in a bath of warm, circulating water&;is now taking off with home cooks. The reason is simple&;you can pick up a top-rated circulator (the device needed to cook sous vide) for about a hundred bucks, and in no time start enjoying perfectly cooked steaks, custardy eggs, vegetables at the peak of flavor and bite, and more. But you will need help, which is where Daniel Shumski comes in. Just as he tamed the once intimidating pressure-cooker-on-steroids in his bestselling How to Instant Pot, Shumski now offers How to Sous Vide, a friendly, rigorously tested guide that demystifies cooking sous vide at home. First, Shumski gives readers all the knowledge they need to start&;how to use the circulator, set up a water bath, seal food inside the bag, and dial in precise cooking times and temperatures for every ingredient. Following are delicious, inventive recipes, plus amazing hacks (how to sous vide cold-brew coffee!), that take full advantage of this revolutionary technique: Carnitas-Style Pork Shoulder, Miso-Butter Carrots, Chili-Garlic Shrimp&;even incredible desserts cooked in a jar, like Berry-Chocolate Cheesecake and Salted Dulce de Leche. And suddenly you&;re cooking at a whole new level
Dan Shumski's at it again! The author of How to Instant Pot takes his expertise decoding a complicated piece of equipment to the sous vide machine! Here's an accessible, thorough, rigorously tested guide to sous vide for the average home cook, with clear instructions on using the equipment, finishing the food once it&;s been sous vided (e.g., techniques like grilling and reverse searing), and 100 easy, delicious recipes that offer the basics for sous vide-ing everything from chicken to salmon (even eggs and octopus!), and ingenious dishes featuring the results.

Общая информация o: How to Sous Vide: Easy, Delicious Perfection Any Night of the Week: 100plus Simple, Irresistible Recipes

ID товара: 19447512
Категория: Книги рецептов
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,2 x 0,22 м, 0,3 кг
Издательство: Workman Publishing
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Основные блюда
Grāmatas fragments: Нет
Автор: Daniel Shumski
Количество страниц: 240
Год публикации: 2021

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