Ice Book: Cool Cubes, Clear Spheres, and Other Chill Cocktail Crafts

Автор: Camper English
Количество страниц: 176
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 28094616

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Описание товара: Ice Book: Cool Cubes, Clear Spheres, and Other Chill Cocktail Crafts

-Author is recognized as the expert in directional freezing, the technique for making clear ice for high-end cocktails -Features gorgeous photography and a fun, gifty trim -Strong web and social media presence (Alcademics) and established following in cocktail community -Previous book Doctors and Distillers, a history of medicinal uses for alcohol, published in July 2022 by Penguin Ice expert Camper English reveals how directional freezing creates crystal clear cocktail ice. He also offers easy-to-follow lessons on how to shape ice, freeze objects in it, and even monogram it. Both instructional and inspirational, The Ice Book will help you take your beverages to the next level while learning a little science along the way.
Crystal clear spheres, cubes you can read through, embossed, branded, and blinged-out chunks, chips, blocks, and 'bergs: it's time to elevate your ice! In The Ice Book, internationally renowned cocktail icepert Camper English details how to use directional freezing to make perfectly pure ice in a home freezer, carve it up into giant diamonds and other shapes, and embed it with garnishes, including edible orchids and olives. You'll learn how to create a frozen bowl for Negroni punch, serve a Manhattan inside an ice sphere, and infuse cubes with colors and flavors to create cranberry cobblers, a color-changing Gin and Tonic, and other awesome drinks. Featuring striking color photos throughout, this handy guide—and great gift—offers easy directions for dozens of ice projects and suggestions for further freezer fun. Both instructional and inspirational, The Ice Book will help you take your nonalcoholic and boozy beverages to the next level.

Общая информация o: Ice Book: Cool Cubes, Clear Spheres, and Other Chill Cocktail Crafts

ID товара: 28094616
Категория: Книги рецептов
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Red Lightning Books
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Еда и напитки
Автор: Camper English
Количество страниц: 176
Год публикации: 2023

Изображения продуктов приведены исключительно в иллюстративных целях и являются примерными. Ссылки на видео в описании товара предназначены только для информационных целей, поэтому информация, которую они содержат, может отличаться от самого товара. Цвета, надписи, параметры, размеры, функции и/или любые другие характеристики оригинальных продуктов из-за их визуальных характеристик могут отличаться от реальных, поэтому, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со спецификациями продукта, приведенными в описании продукта.

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