John Keats: A New Life

Автор: Nicholas Roe
Количество страниц: 480
Год публикации: 2013
ID товара: 24127841

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Описание товара: John Keats: A New Life

An entirely new portrait of Keats, rich with insights into the torments of his life and the imaginative sources of his works This landmark biography of celebrated Romantic poet John Keats explodes entrenched conceptions of him as a delicate, overly sensitive, tragic figure. Instead, Nicholas Roe reveals the real flesh-and-blood poet: a passionate man driven by ambition but prey to doubt, suspicion, and jealousy; sure of his vocation while bitterly resentful of the obstacles that blighted his career; devoured by sexual desire and frustration; and in thrall to alcohol and opium. Through unparalleled original research, Roe arrives at a fascinating reassessment of Keats's entire life, from his early years at Keats's Livery Stables through his harrowing battle with tuberculosis and death at age 25. Zeroing in on crucial turning points, Roe finds in the locations of Keats's poems new keys to the nature of his imaginative quest. Roe is the first biographer to provide a full and fresh account of Keats's childhood in the City of London and how it shaped the would-be poet. The mysterious early death of Keats's father, his mother's too-swift remarriage, living in the shadow of the notorious madhouse Bedlam-all these affected Keats far more than has been previously understood. The author also sheds light on Keats's doomed passion for Fanny Brawne, his circle of brilliant friends, hitherto unknown City relatives, and much more. Filled with revelations and daring to ask new questions, this book now stands as the definitive volume on one of the most beloved poets of the English language.

Общая информация o: John Keats: A New Life

ID товара: 24127841
Категория: Биографии, автобиогафии, мемуары
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,1 x 0,3 x 0,3 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Yale University Press
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Биографии
Автор: Nicholas Roe
Количество страниц: 480
Год публикации: 2013

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