What Makes an Apple?: Six Conversations about Writing, Love, Guilt, and Other Pleasures

Автор: Amos Oz
Количество страниц: 152
Год публикации: 2022
ID товара: 16332993

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Описание товара: What Makes an Apple?: Six Conversations about Writing, Love, Guilt, and Other Pleasures

"This book consists of six conversations between Amos Oz and Shira Hadad, who worked closely with Oz as the editor of his novel Judas. The interviews, which took place toward the end of Oz's life, about a decade after the publication of his memoir A Taleof Love and Darkness, capture the writer's thoughts and opinions on many of the subjects that occupied him throughout his life and career, including writing and creation, guilt and love, death and the afterlife. In the first interview, "A Heart Pierced by an Arrow," Oz discusses how he became a writer, along with his writing process and its attendant challenges. "Sometimes" explores Oz's reflections on men, women, and relationships across his experience and work. "A Room of Your Own" sketches his development as a writer on the kibbutz and his eventual decision to leave. In "When Someone Beats up Your Child," Oz discusses the critical reception of his work, and in "What No Writer Can Do" he describes his experience teaching literature, including his thoughts on contemporary modes of literary instruction. In the concluding piece, "The Lights Have Been Changing Without Us for a Long Time," he reflects on other writers and on changes he has observed in himself and others over time. The title comes from a passage in the first interview: Oz says, "What makes an apple? Water, earth, sun, an apple tree, and a bit of fertilizer. But it doesn't look like any of those things. It's made of them but it is not like them. That's how a story is: it certainly is made up of the sum of encounters and experiences and listening.""--
Frank and open conversations between the internationally acclaimed Israeli novelist and the editor of his final novel, Judas are presented in English for the first time. opening a window into the life of a towering literary figure and offering unique insights about his artistic and personal evolution.
Revelatory talks about art and life with internationally acclaimed Israeli novelist Amos OzIn the last years of his life, the writer Amos Oz talked regularly with Shira Hadad, who worked closely with him as the editor of his final novel, Judas. These candid, uninhibited dialogues show a side of Oz that few ever saw. What Makes an Apple? presents the most revealing of these conversations in English for the first time, painting an illuminating and disarmingly intimate portrait of a towering literary figure.In frank and open exchanges that are by turns buoyant, introspective, and argumentative, Oz explains what impels him to begin a story and shares his routines, habits, and challenges as a writer. He discusses the tectonic changes he experienced in his lifetime in relationships between women and men, and describes how his erotic coming of age shaped him not only as a man but also as an author. Oz reflects on his parents, his formative years on a kibbutz, and how he dealt with and learned from his critics, his students, and his fame. He talks about why there is more humor in his later books and gives his exceptional take on fear of death.Resonating with Oz’s clear, honest, and humorous voice, What Makes an Apple? offers unique insights about Oz’s artistic and personal evolution, and enables readers to explore his work in new ways.

Общая информация o: What Makes an Apple?: Six Conversations about Writing, Love, Guilt, and Other Pleasures

ID товара: 16332993
Категория: Биографии, автобиогафии, мемуары
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,14 x 0,22 м, 0,3 кг
Издательство: Princeton University Press
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Твердый
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Биографии
Grāmatas fragments: Нет
Автор: Amos Oz
Количество страниц: 152
Год публикации: 2022

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