Genius Noses: A Curious Animal Compendium

Автор: Lena Anlauf, Vitali Konstantinov
Количество страниц: 64
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 24677251

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Описание товара: Genius Noses: A Curious Animal Compendium

"Which animal can smell underwater? Which one uses their nose as a snorkel? What can animals do with their noses besides smell? Noses can tell us a lot about animal habits and habitats. An animal collection of special species from around the world- filled with amazing facts celebrating the diversity in nature. "Fascinating insights into the world of animal noses, whether small, large, round or star-shaped. You learn a lot of new things here."-Dr. Pascal Marty, Curator, Zurich Zoo"--
An illustrated collection about animal noses and their amazing functions! Early STEM has never been more fun. Everything kids ever wanted to know about animal noses around the world!This special collection of animals takes us around the globe and amazes us at the curious diversity of nature. Whether it’s the musk weevil, the elephant, the pig, or the saiga antelope— they all have wonderful noses. In addition to a wide array of functions, noses tell us a lot about animal habits and habitats. Author Lena Anlauf has compiled the most exciting facts and stories about noses from the animal kingdom, while illustrator, Vitali Konstantinov, introduces us to the individual animals in impressive portraits—with wit and attention to detail. Which animal can smell underwater? Which one uses their nose as a snorkel? What can animals do with their noses besides smell? Readers will find out this and more in this entertaining collection filled with surprising and unusual facts. “The book gives fascinating insights into the world of animal noses. Whether small, large, round or star-shaped, you learn a lot of new things here. The wonderful world of noses is clearly explained with beautiful illustrations.” –Pascal Marty, Zoo Zurich

Общая информация o: Genius Noses: A Curious Animal Compendium

ID товара: 24677251
Категория: Книги для малышей
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,01 x 0,23 x 0,28 м, 0,52 кг
Издательство: North-South Books
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Книги для самых маленьких
Автор: Lena Anlauf, Vitali Konstantinov
Количество страниц: 64
Год публикации: 2023

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