Spot the Monkey in the Jungle: Packed with things to spot and facts to discover!

Автор: Stella Maidment, Joelle Dreidemy, Mike Garton
Количество страниц: 24
Год публикации: 2014
ID товара: 22968826

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Описание товара: Spot the Monkey in the Jungle: Packed with things to spot and facts to discover!

The perfect boredom-buster for when you're trapped indoors - keep your kids entertained during quarantine and explore the jungle! Meet all of the animals who live there and discover what they look like, what they eat and how they survive in the jungles. With fun activities, things to spot and a baby monkey to find on every page - this book will provide hours of entertainment! Go through each page and see if you can: - Spot the baby monkey in every spread. - Find the sloth who's still awake. - Decide which fruit looks the tastiest! Spot the Monkey in the Jungle is part of the popular Spot The series. These fantastic search and find books, combine spot the activities and other games with informative non-fiction topics to create an entertaining and educational experience. With jam-packed scenes and incredible attention to detail - young children will find something new with every read of this book. Other books in the Spot the series include: Spot the Shark in the Ocean Spot the Snail in the Garden Spot the Dinosaur on the Island Spot the Bird on the Building Site Spot the Seal around the World Spot the Seal around the World Spot the Mouse on the Move Spot the Zebra at the Zoo Spot the Mummy at the Museum Spot the Lamb on the Farm Spot the Puppy in the City Spot the Robot in Space

Общая информация o: Spot the Monkey in the Jungle: Packed with things to spot and facts to discover!

ID товара: 22968826
Категория: Книги для малышей
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: QED Publishing
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Книги для самых маленьких
Автор: Stella Maidment, Joelle Dreidemy, Mike Garton
Количество страниц: 24
Год публикации: 2014

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