Fun and Games for Cats

Автор: Denise Seidl
Количество страниц: 128
Год публикации: 2011
ID товара: 21927087

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Do you have a cat that snootily turns up his nose if you try to involve him in a game? Or perhaps your cat is a loner, reluctant to interact with you? Maybe you think that cats simply don't play games and are impossible to train ...? Then think again, as this book will introduce you to the games that your cat will love to play, and have great fun doing so! To determine precisely what games will most appeal to your cat, there's a definition of each type of cat personality, and how best to interest him or her in the activities that the book contains. Fabulous action shots describe every game in detail, plus there&;s an explanation of how playing with your cat will strengthen the bond between the two of you.The hunting instinct - explains why cats need to play &; A-Z rules of rules on how to interest your cat in playing games &; Different types of cat personality: discover your cat's, and test his intelligence! &; Games for loners AND team players &; A checklist of everything you need for the games &; An in-depth description of each game &; Fantastic action shots to match each description &; Cat toys to buy and to make yourself &; Solving behavioral problems with games and fun &; Physical fitness and mind activity are linked &; train both with single exercises
Do you have a cat that snootily turns up his nose if you try to involve him in a game? Or perhaps your cat is a loner, reluctant to interact with you? Maybe you think that cats simply don't play games and are impossible to train ...? Then think again, as this book will introduce you to the games that your cat will love to play, and have great fun doing so! To determine precisely what games will most appeal to your cat, there's a definition of each type of cat personality, and how best to interest him or her in the activities that the book contains. Fabulous action shots describe every game in detail, plus there’s an explanation of how playing with your cat will strengthen the bond between the two of you. The hunting instinct - explains why cats need to play • A-Z rules of rules on how to interest your cat in playing games • Different types of cat personality: discover your cat's, and test his intelligence! • Games for loners AND team players • A checklist of everything you need for the games • An in-depth description of each game • Fantastic action shots to match each description • Cat toys to buy and to make yourself • Solving behavioral problems with games and fun • Physical fitness and mind activity are linked – train both with single exercises
Do you have a cat that snootily turns up his nose if you try to involve him in a game? Or perhaps your cat is a loner, reluctant to interact with you? Maybe you think that cats simply don't play games and are impossible to train ...? Then think again, as this book will introduce you to the games that your cat will love to play, and have great fun doing so! To determine precisely what games will most appeal to your cat, there's a definition of each type of cat personality, and how best to interest him or her in the activities that the book contains. Fabulous action shots describe every game in detail, plus there’s an explanation of how playing with your cat will strengthen the bond between the two of you. The hunting instinct - explains why cats need to play • A-Z rules of rules on how to interest your cat in playing games • Different types of cat personality: discover your cat's, and test his intelligence! • Games for loners AND team players • A checklist of everything you need for the games • An in-depth description of each game • Fantastic action shots to match each description • Cat toys to buy and to make yourself • Solving behavioral problems with games and fun • Physical fitness and mind activity are linked – train both with single exercises

Общая информация o: Fun and Games for Cats

ID товара: 21927087
Категория: Книги о питании и здоровом образе жизни
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Veloce Publishing Ltd
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Здоровый образ жизни и питание
Автор: Denise Seidl
Количество страниц: 128
Год публикации: 2011

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