Hoodoo Herbal: Folk Recipes for Conjure & Spellwork with Herbs, Houseplants, Roots, & Oils

Автор: Starr Casas
Количество страниц: 256
Год публикации: 2022
ID товара: 24911441

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Описание товара: Hoodoo Herbal: Folk Recipes for Conjure & Spellwork with Herbs, Houseplants, Roots, & Oils

"The definitive guide to Hoodoo plant magic.Hoodoo Herbal contains detailed information on dozens of roots and herbs. Conjure tends to be accessible, practical, low-cost magic, and this is reflected in the herbal.For example, snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata), a common house plant, readily available from garden stores and supermarkets alike, is valued for its anti-gossip properties and is also worked with to keep lying tongues from disrupting your home. Because its leaves are shaped like a double-edged sword, the snake plant can "cut" through malicious "works" (spells) that may have been sent against you.Likewise, the Touch-Me-Not or shameplant (Mimosa pudica), another popular plant, is used for protection.As with the information in her previous books, Starr's knowledge comes from a lifetime of experience, as well as her family's secrets. Mama Starr's own grandmother kept Touch-Me-Nots in buckets on either side of her front door.This book will be of interest to lovers of herbals and students of Southernfolkways, as well as the many who seek to put the information into use. In addition to detailed information about a wide variety of plants, there is also practical information about planting seeds and cutting and transplanting plants. In this book of practical plant magic, Starr advises that as the plants thrive and grow, the works for which they are used will grow stronger too"--
"Conjure tends to be an accessible, practical, low-cost magic. This herbal contains detailed information on dozens of roots and herbs and their magical uses. In addition, there is information about planting seeds and cutting and transplanting plants. Thebook will be of interest to lovers of herbals and students of Southern folkways, as well as the many who seek to put the information into everyday magical practice"--
This definitive guide to Hoodoo plant magic contains detailed information on dozens of roots and herbs. In Hoodoo Herbal, Starr Casas shares a lifetime of experience and family secrets in her usual plain-spoken, direct, and friendly style.   Mama Starr makes Hoodoo plant magic accessible to all. For example, snake plants (Dracaena trifasciata)—common houseplants that are readily available at garden stores and supermarkets—possess a long reputation for successfully keeping lying tongues from disrupting your home. As their leaves resemble a double-edged sword, they are believed able to cut through malicious works (spells) that may have been sent against you. They are valued for their anti-gossip properties.   The book features information about a wide variety of plants and how to use them, as well as practical tips regarding planting seeds, cutting, transplanting, and caring for plants so that they will care for you, too. Starr advises that as the plants thrive and grow, the works for which they are used will grow stronger, too—as will you.  

Общая информация o: Hoodoo Herbal: Folk Recipes for Conjure & Spellwork with Herbs, Houseplants, Roots, & Oils

ID товара: 24911441
Категория: Самоучители
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Red Wheel/Weiser
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Развитие эмоционального интеллекта
Автор: Starr Casas
Количество страниц: 256
Год публикации: 2022

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Hoodoo Herbal: Folk Recipes for Conjure & Spellwork with Herbs, Houseplants, Roots, & Oils
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