"For the past three years, LinkedIn has listed User Experience design (UX) as a top 15 in-demand career. Unfortunately, many practitioners entering this profession are self-taught and lack the guidance needed to advance professionally. User Experience Design is the professional playbook for UX professionals. It teaches product leaders, managers, engineers, and designers that design is a business growth driver, and how to design customer-centered tech products that customers love. The book explains the mindset top UX professionals need to combine core principles of design, business, and customer focus in their product development work. Written by the co-founder of UXReactor, the fastest growing specialized UX firm in the US, this book dozens of practical UX tools."-- Igniting business growth through UX  In an increasingly digital world, users are rewarding products and services that provide them with a good experience and punishing those that don’t — with their wallets. Organizations realize they need to adapt quickly but don’t know how or where to start.   In User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, UXReactor co-Founder Satyam Kantamneni distills 25 years of industry experience into a pragmatic approach to help organizations advance in the highly competitive and rapidly changing digital world.   You’ll discover: Why putting users at the center of strategy leads to an almost unfair competitive advantage  Ways to build an organizational system that delivers a superior user experience that is replicable, consistent, and scalable  Common shortfalls that prevent organizations from reaping the value of experience design    27 proven “plays” from the UXReactor playbook to put concepts into practice  Game planning examples to execute at different levels of an organization  A comprehensive and practical book for everyone involved in the transformation — business leaders, design leaders, product managers, engineers, and designers — User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth is also an ideal blueprint for current and prospective UX practitioners seeking to improve their skills and further their careers. 

Количество мест: 2
Тип: Комплект мебели для отдыха
Материал: Металл
Цвет: Черный
ID товара: 14820288
Бесплатная доставка
Продавец: vidaXL 4.6
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28 октября

Бесплатная доставка

Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

Доставим на дом

28 октября

Бесплатная доставка

Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

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Продавец: vidaXL 4.6
  • 81% покупателей рекомендовали бы этого продавца.

Описание товара: "For the past three years, LinkedIn has listed User Experience design (UX) as a top 15 in-demand career. Unfortunately, many practitioners entering this profession are self-taught and lack the guidance needed to advance professionally. User Experience Design is the professional playbook for UX professionals. It teaches product leaders, managers, engineers, and designers that design is a business growth driver, and how to design customer-centered tech products that customers love. The book explains the mindset top UX professionals need to combine core principles of design, business, and customer focus in their product development work. Written by the co-founder of UXReactor, the fastest growing specialized UX firm in the US, this book dozens of practical UX tools."-- Igniting business growth through UX  In an increasingly digital world, users are rewarding products and services that provide them with a good experience and punishing those that don’t — with their wallets. Organizations realize they need to adapt quickly but don’t know how or where to start.   In User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, UXReactor co-Founder Satyam Kantamneni distills 25 years of industry experience into a pragmatic approach to help organizations advance in the highly competitive and rapidly changing digital world.   You’ll discover: Why putting users at the center of strategy leads to an almost unfair competitive advantage  Ways to build an organizational system that delivers a superior user experience that is replicable, consistent, and scalable  Common shortfalls that prevent organizations from reaping the value of experience design    27 proven “plays” from the UXReactor playbook to put concepts into practice  Game planning examples to execute at different levels of an organization  A comprehensive and practical book for everyone involved in the transformation — business leaders, design leaders, product managers, engineers, and designers — User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth is also an ideal blueprint for current and prospective UX practitioners seeking to improve their skills and further their careers. 

Šis dekoratīvā un vienlaikus praktiskā dizaina bistro mēbeļu komplekts piešķirs eleganci ikvienai maltītei. Tā būs lieliska vieta, kur varēsiet sarunāties ar draugiem vai malkot tēju. Šis bistro mēbeļu komplekts ir izgatavots no lietā alumīnija, kas ir īpaši izturīgs, kā arī noturīgs pret laikapstākļu ietekmi. Tā detalizētais ziedu raksts piešķirs jebkuram dārzam vai terasei romantisku noskaņu. Piezīme: Lai dārza mēbeles kalpotu ilgāk, mēs iesakām tās regulāri tīrīt un lieki neatstāt ārā.Tīrīšana: izmantojiet maigu ziepju šķīdumuUzglabāšana: ja iespējams, uzglabājiet vēsā, sausā vietā iekštelpās. Ja produktu glabājat ārā, izmantojiet ūdensizturīgu pārsegu. Noslaukiet un nožāvējiet ūdeni vai sniegu no plakanām virsmām pēc lietus vai snigšanas. Lai izvairītos no pelējuma radītiem bojājumiem, nodrošiniet pietiekamu gaisa cirkulāciju.
  • Krāsa: melna
  • Materiāls: liets alumīnijs
  • Galda izmēri: 53 x 53 x 65 cm (garums, platums, augstums)
  • Krēsla izmēri: 41 x 41 x 85 cm (platums, dziļums, augstums)
  • Nepieciešama salikšana: jā
  • Sūtījumā iekļauts:
  • 1 x galds
  • 2 x krēsli

Produkta izmērs:

Garums: Nav norādīts

Platums: Nav norādīts

Augstums: Nav norādīts

Svars: 11.35

Классический cтиль

Насчитывающие не первый век идеи классического интерьера до сих пор не теряют своего очарования – это неподвластный времени стиль, который с удовольствием используется и в производстве мебели. Такие изделия особенно хорошо подходят тем, кто создает элегантную обстановку дома, не избегает интересных решений и ищет оригинальных элементов дизайна.

Классическая мебель отличается темными, богатыми цветами, которые сочетаются с более светлыми оттенками, так создавая приятную, притягивающую атмосферу. Мы практически не увидим узоров (либо только очень субтильные нюансы) – главное внимание уделяется форме. Очень часто используются земельные, природные тона, которые наполняют комнату уютом, поэтому под изящным видом мебели действительно скрывается более теплый дизайн.

О минимализме следует забыть – мебель классического стиля декорируется роскошными деталями, можно найти множество изогнутых форм и других изысканных решений. При создании этой мебели тщательно обдумывается каждый нюанс, поэтому, внимательно присмотревшись, можно обнаружить роскошные детали и оригинальные мелочи. Это является одной из причин, почему мебель данного стиля становится притягивающей внимание деталью интерьера. Однако, если Вы пожелаете, "For the past three years, LinkedIn has listed User Experience design (UX) as a top 15 in-demand career. Unfortunately, many practitioners entering this profession are self-taught and lack the guidance needed to advance professionally. User Experience Design is the professional playbook for UX professionals. It teaches product leaders, managers, engineers, and designers that design is a business growth driver, and how to design customer-centered tech products that customers love. The book explains the mindset top UX professionals need to combine core principles of design, business, and customer focus in their product development work. Written by the co-founder of UXReactor, the fastest growing specialized UX firm in the US, this book dozens of practical UX tools."-- Igniting business growth through UX  In an increasingly digital world, users are rewarding products and services that provide them with a good experience and punishing those that don’t — with their wallets. Organizations realize they need to adapt quickly but don’t know how or where to start.   In User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, UXReactor co-Founder Satyam Kantamneni distills 25 years of industry experience into a pragmatic approach to help organizations advance in the highly competitive and rapidly changing digital world.   You’ll discover: Why putting users at the center of strategy leads to an almost unfair competitive advantage  Ways to build an organizational system that delivers a superior user experience that is replicable, consistent, and scalable  Common shortfalls that prevent organizations from reaping the value of experience design    27 proven “plays” from the UXReactor playbook to put concepts into practice  Game planning examples to execute at different levels of an organization  A comprehensive and practical book for everyone involved in the transformation — business leaders, design leaders, product managers, engineers, and designers — User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth is also an ideal blueprint for current and prospective UX practitioners seeking to improve their skills and further their careers.  точно также сможет незаметно влиться в обстановку Вашего дома.

Хотя эта мебель более грациозна, она выдерживает правильные геометрические формы, поэтому Вы без труда найдете для нее место в своем доме. Среди материалов торжествует древесина, однако также можно найти изделия из кожи, стекла или металла. Главным условием классической мебели является высокое качество, поэтому она служит долгие годы, – это прекрасно сочетается с идеями нестареющего интерьера.

"For the past three years, LinkedIn has listed User Experience design (UX) as a top 15 in-demand career. Unfortunately, many practitioners entering this profession are self-taught and lack the guidance needed to advance professionally. User Experience Design is the professional playbook for UX professionals. It teaches product leaders, managers, engineers, and designers that design is a business growth driver, and how to design customer-centered tech products that customers love. The book explains the mindset top UX professionals need to combine core principles of design, business, and customer focus in their product development work. Written by the co-founder of UXReactor, the fastest growing specialized UX firm in the US, this book dozens of practical UX tools."--
Igniting business growth through UX  In an increasingly digital world, users are rewarding products and services that provide them with a good experience and punishing those that don’t — with their wallets. Organizations realize they need to adapt quickly but don’t know how or where to start.   In User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, UXReactor co-Founder Satyam Kantamneni distills 25 years of industry experience into a pragmatic approach to help organizations advance in the highly competitive and rapidly changing digital world.   You’ll discover:  Why putting users at the center of strategy leads to an almost unfair competitive advantage  Ways to build an organizational system that delivers a superior user experience that is replicable, consistent, and scalable  Common shortfalls that prevent organizations from reaping the value of experience design    27 proven “plays” from the UXReactor playbook to put concepts into practice  Game planning examples to execute at different levels of an organization   A comprehensive and practical book for everyone involved in the transformation — business leaders, design leaders, product managers, engineers, and designers — User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth is also an ideal blueprint for current and prospective UX practitioners seeking to improve their skills and further their careers.  Классический cтиль

Изображения носят исключительно иллюстративный характер и предназначены для демонстрации характеристик продукта. Товар, показанный на рисунке, не отражает конкретную модель продукта.

Комплект мебели для отдыха

В нашем ассортименте представлен широкий выбор стильных комплектов уличной мебели, которые придадут неповторимый облик Вашему двору, террасе или другому любимому месту. Одним из самых популярных видов комплектов мебели для отдыха на открытом воздухе является комплект для гостиной. Мы предлагаем более 10 000 различных вариантов в практичном, классическом, современном, индустриальном или скандинавском стилях. Есть небольшие комплекты мебели для гостиной, которые идеально подходят для одного человека, но можно выбрать и очень большие комплекты, вмещающие до 20 человек. В зависимости от модели набора, в него могут входить диван, кресла, стол, пуфы или даже множество подушек. Они могут быть изготовлены из металла, синтетического плетения, стекла, массива дерева, пластика, стали, полиэстера и других высококачественных материалов.

Читать дальше

Общая информация o: "For the past three years, LinkedIn has listed User Experience design (UX) as a top 15 in-demand career. Unfortunately, many practitioners entering this profession are self-taught and lack the guidance needed to advance professionally. User Experience Design is the professional playbook for UX professionals. It teaches product leaders, managers, engineers, and designers that design is a business growth driver, and how to design customer-centered tech products that customers love. The book explains the mindset top UX professionals need to combine core principles of design, business, and customer focus in their product development work. Written by the co-founder of UXReactor, the fastest growing specialized UX firm in the US, this book dozens of practical UX tools."-- Igniting business growth through UX  In an increasingly digital world, users are rewarding products and services that provide them with a good experience and punishing those that don’t — with their wallets. Organizations realize they need to adapt quickly but don’t know how or where to start.   In User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, UXReactor co-Founder Satyam Kantamneni distills 25 years of industry experience into a pragmatic approach to help organizations advance in the highly competitive and rapidly changing digital world.   You’ll discover: Why putting users at the center of strategy leads to an almost unfair competitive advantage  Ways to build an organizational system that delivers a superior user experience that is replicable, consistent, and scalable  Common shortfalls that prevent organizations from reaping the value of experience design    27 proven “plays” from the UXReactor playbook to put concepts into practice  Game planning examples to execute at different levels of an organization  A comprehensive and practical book for everyone involved in the transformation — business leaders, design leaders, product managers, engineers, and designers — User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth is also an ideal blueprint for current and prospective UX practitioners seeking to improve their skills and further their careers. 

ID товара: 14820288
Категория: Комплекты уличной мебели
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,71 x 0,61 x 0,2 м, 11,35 кг
Стиль: Классический
Складной стол: Нет
Складной стул: Нет
Торговая марка: vidaXL
Страна производитель: Не указано
Количество мест: 2
Тип: Комплект мебели для отдыха
Материал: Металл
Цвет: Черный
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары vidaXL
Правила ухода за товаром: Инструкция

Изображения продуктов приведены исключительно в иллюстративных целях и являются примерными. Ссылки на видео в описании товара предназначены только для информационных целей, поэтому информация, которую они содержат, может отличаться от самого товара. Цвета, надписи, параметры, размеры, функции и/или любые другие характеристики оригинальных продуктов из-за их визуальных характеристик могут отличаться от реальных, поэтому, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со спецификациями продукта, приведенными в описании продукта.

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"For the past three years, LinkedIn has listed User Experience design (UX) as a top 15 in-demand career. Unfortunately, many practitioners entering this profession are self-taught and lack the guidance needed to advance professionally. User Experience Design is the professional playbook for UX professionals. It teaches product leaders, managers, engineers, and designers that design is a business growth driver, and how to design customer-centered tech products that customers love. The book explains the mindset top UX professionals need to combine core principles of design, business, and customer focus in their product development work. Written by the co-founder of UXReactor, the fastest growing specialized UX firm in the US, this book dozens of practical UX tools."-- Igniting business growth through UX  In an increasingly digital world, users are rewarding products and services that provide them with a good experience and punishing those that don’t — with their wallets. Organizations realize they need to adapt quickly but don’t know how or where to start.   In User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, UXReactor co-Founder Satyam Kantamneni distills 25 years of industry experience into a pragmatic approach to help organizations advance in the highly competitive and rapidly changing digital world.   You’ll discover: Why putting users at the center of strategy leads to an almost unfair competitive advantage  Ways to build an organizational system that delivers a superior user experience that is replicable, consistent, and scalable  Common shortfalls that prevent organizations from reaping the value of experience design    27 proven “plays” from the UXReactor playbook to put concepts into practice  Game planning examples to execute at different levels of an organization  A comprehensive and practical book for everyone involved in the transformation — business leaders, design leaders, product managers, engineers, and designers — User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth is also an ideal blueprint for current and prospective UX practitioners seeking to improve their skills and further their careers. 
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