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<h3 style="text-align:center"><strong>Новое поколение инновационных красок для ремонта автомобильных царапин</strong></h3><p>Набор для ремонта царапин GENUINE COLORS - это инновационный продукт, который экономит ваше время и деньги. Набор состоит из специальной формульной краски и многофункционального флакона. 100% заводской цвет, хорошее покрытие, поэтому не нужно красить несколько раз и не нужно покрывать лаком. Вы можете использовать карандаш, чтобы заполнить маленькие царапины, и кисть в больших, которые включены в стоимость набора.</p><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" style="width:450px"><tbody><tr><td style="width:150px"><strong>Цветовой код</strong></td><td>235</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#eeeeee; width:150px"><strong>Название цвета</strong></td><td style="background-color:#eeeeee">RED II</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px"><strong>Другие имена</strong></td><td>RED II, BRIGHT RED</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#eeeeee; width:150px"><strong>Тип</strong></td><td style="background-color:#eeeeee">Effect</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px"><strong>Год производства</strong></td><td>2002-2003</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#eeeeee; width:150px"><strong>Машина</strong></td><td style="background-color:#eeeeee">SUBARU</td></tr><tr><td style="width:150px"><strong>Модель</strong></td><td>PLEO</td></tr></tbody></table><p></p><p></p><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#999999; width:100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align:center"><h3><br /><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Добиться хороших результатов легко</strong></span></h3></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center; width:10%"></td><td style="text-align:center"><ul><li style="text-align:left"><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>100% цвет производителя</strong></span><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Краска будет соответствовать заводскому цвету вашего автомобиля, даже если это перламутр или металлик</span></li></ul></li><li style="text-align:left"><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Хватит надолго</strong></span><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Одной бутылки достаточно, чтобы заполнить множество царапин, поэтому вы сможете использовать купленный продукт более одного раза.</span></li></ul></li><li style="text-align:left"><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Сэкономить время</strong></span><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Краска однослойная и устойчива к внешним воздействиям, поэтому нет необходимости красить несколько раз и покрывать лаком</span></li></ul></li><li style="text-align:left"><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Немецкое качество</strong></span><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Краска изготовлена ​​в Германии по современным технологиям и соответствует высоким критериям качества.</span></li></ul></li><li style="text-align:left"><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Легко использовать</strong></span><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Бутылка имеет кисточку и иголку, поэтому вам не нужны специальные инструменты или оборудование - вы отлично справитесь сами</span></li></ul></li><li style="text-align:left"><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Экономить деньги</strong></span><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">При покупке товаров других производителей вам придется доплачивать за двухслойную краску (для эффективных цветов новых автомобилей), а также за покупку лака</span></li></ul></li></ul></td><td style="text-align:center; width:10%"></td></tr></tbody></table><p></p><h3 style="text-align:center"></h3><div><h3 style="text-align:center"><strong>Что я нашел в пакете?</strong></h3><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:800px"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align:center; width:150px"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644261464446.png" style="height:180px; width:89px" /></td><td style="width:200px"><strong>Бутылка</strong> заполнена выбранным цветом - мы используем только немецкую высококачественную краску SPIES HECKER, которую также используют на заводах автопроизводителей.</td><td style="text-align:center"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644274498015.png" style="height:86px; width:140px" /></td><td><strong>Живопись карандашом и кистью. </strong>Используйте карандаш для мелких царапин и разбитых участков. Кисть подходит для нанесения более крупных повреждений.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644276910226.png" style="height:83px; width:60px" /></td><td><strong>Игла</strong> предназначена для остановки кончика карандаша, чтобы он не забился засохшей краской</td><td style="text-align:center"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644276958895.png" style="height:97px; width:65px" /></td><td>Защитный <strong>колпачок</strong></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644278762357.png" style="height:25px; width:25px" /></td><td><strong>Шарик </strong>для лучшего смешивания краски</td></tr></tbody></table><div><h3 style="text-align:center"></h3><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#999999; width:100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="5" style="text-align:center; width:10%"><h3><br /><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Что такого особенного в GENUINE COLORS?</strong></span></h3></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center; width:10%"></td><td style="text-align:center; width:35%"><p><span style="color:#ffffff"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644271155952.png" style="filter:brightness(113%) saturate(142%) sepia(0%); height:256px; width:60px" /><br /><strong>GENUINE COLORS</strong></span></p></td><td style="text-align:center; width:10%"><span style="color:#ffffff"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644278907331.png" style="max-width:100px" /></span></td><td style="text-align:center; width:35%"><p><span style="color:#ffffff"><img src="https://lt3.pigugroup.eu/products/descriptions/031/713/637/31713637/description-image-202010150644275658420.png" style="filter:brightness(80%) contrast(80%) saturate(80%); height:246px; width:300px" /></span></p><p><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Краски других производителей </strong><br /><em>(краски, грунтовка, лак + жемчуг)</em></span></p></td><td style="text-align:center; width:10%"></td></tr><tr><td style="width:10%"></td><td style="vertical-align:top"><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Сделано специально <strong>для рисования кистью или карандашом</strong></span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Четыре в одном:</strong> грунтовка, краска, жемчуг (для эффективных цветов), лак</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Точный <strong>цвет производителя</strong> автомобиля</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">С помощью силиконового шпателя <strong>вы идеально выровняете поверхность</strong></span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Вы будете тратить меньше,</strong> потому что это все включено</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Легко работать - это занимает до <strong>10 минут</strong></span></li></ul></td><td style="width:100px"></td><td style="vertical-align:top; width:35%"><ul><li><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Сделано для распыления</strong> , что означает, что металлик и жемчуг лежат хуже и не подходят должным образом при покраске кистью</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Каждую царапину нужно будет <strong>покрасить 4 раза</strong> : грунтовка, краска, лак и жемчуг (если перламутр)</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">При окрашивании кистью цвета металлик будут выглядеть <strong>серыми,</strong> а перламутр будет выглядеть как <strong>матовое пятно</strong> </span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">После покраски будет <strong>большой выступ</strong> , который будет хорошо виден издалека, но он не будет вычищен, потому что вы очистите один или несколько из 4 компонентов, использованных при покраске.</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff">Вы <strong>будете платить больше</strong> в сумме, потому что вы будете покупать лак, грунтовку и жемчуг отдельно</span></li><li><span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>Это займет больше времени,</strong> потому что у вас будет в 4 раза больше компонентов, и вам придется ждать их высыхания</span></li></ul></td><td style="width:10%"></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 70 см
Высота: 100 см
В корзину

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
5888 7866
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"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
5490 7388
В корзину

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
В корзину

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
5885 7862
В корзину

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
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"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см