

Найденные товары (112)
Покупатели оценили: 4.9/5
3 867 оценок. Смотреть все
0 €
852 / мес. 13800

Приставной столик Glam 70, белый/золотой

Длина: 35 см
Ширина: 35 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Островной навес Маан Маллоу 31 золото

Вентиляционная вытяжка: 290 м³/ч
Максимальный уровень шума: 61 дБ
Тип: Каминные
721 / мес. 17661

Зеркальный шкаф с подсветкой BBK124A10

Тип шкафчика: Верхние
Функция: Подвесные шкафчики для ванной комнаты, Шкафчики дл...
Ширина: 70 см
0 €
684 / мес. 14050 17660

Apaļš LED spogulis Nemezis ar zelta krāsas rāmi 70 cm

Ширина: 70 см
Высота: 70 см
Oсвещение: Да
0 €
1026 / мес. 27399

Набор из двух столиков DKD Home Decor 33 x 33 x 70 cm Позолоченный Металл Белый Мрамор

Длина: 33 см
Ширина: 33 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €
715 / мес. 9500

Зеркало для ванной, деревянная рама, ручная резьба, 40x70 см, SAMBLUNG состаренное золото

Ширина: 40 см
Высота: 70 см
Oсвещение: Нет
813 / мес. 16700

Зеркальный шкаф со светодиодной подсветкой Vasagle белый, золотой

Тип шкафчика: Верхние
Функция: Подвесные шкафчики для ванной комнаты, Шкафчики дл...
Ширина: 70 см
848 / мес. 13732

Зеркало Asir, 50x70см, золотистый

Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
Oсвещение: Нет
848 / мес. 13732

Зеркало Asir, 50x70см, золотистое

Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
Oсвещение: Нет
907 / мес. 8811

Hастенные полки, Асир, 60x70x14 см, золотистый/коричневый

Тип полки: Настенные
Функция: Открытая
Ширина: 60 см
0 €
692 / мес. 18499

Konsoļu galds vidaXL, zelts

Длина: 70 см
Ширина: 30 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €
767 / мес. 20499

Konsoļu galds vidaXL, zelts

Длина: 70 см
Ширина: 30 см
Высота: 70 см
1801 / мес. 48100

Regulējama augstuma galda kājas SH312T9-DM-PRO

Тип: Растущие столы
Длина: 70 см
Глубина: 57.5 см
2411 / мес. 64400

Regulējama augstuma biroja galda kājas SH213T7-TM-PRO,-90 3 motori, 140 kg

Тип: Растущие столы
Длина: 70 см
Глубина: 57.5 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотые ключики

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция на холсте Золотой лист

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция на холсте Золотые рыбки

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 30 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €
2880 4000

Виниловая наклейка на стену в индийском стиле Золотой цветочный дизайн - 4 шт.

Высота: 70 см
Ширина: 35 см
Рисунок: Абстракция
0 €
6714 8857

Принт холста, золотые листья и шарики 3D 59,99

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €

100x150см Золотая панорама Вильнюса

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 20 см, 30 см, 40 см, 50 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см, 1...
Высота: 30 см, 40 см, 50 см, 60 см, 70 см, 90 см, 100 см, ...
0 €
4363 6036

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €

Зеркало в золотой раме, 70 см

Стиль: Современный
Тип: Декоративные зеркала
Ширина: 70 см
0 €

Золотое Дерево

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 30 см, 40 см, 50 см, 60 см, 70 см, 90 см, 100 см, ...
Высота: 20 см, 30 см, 40 см, 50 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см, 1...
0 €

Островной навес Маан Маллоу 31 золото

Вентиляционная вытяжка: 290 м³/ч
Максимальный уровень шума: 61 дБ
Тип: Каминные
0 €
3772 5326

Foto tapete - Searching for Old World

Тип фотообоев: Карта
Высота: 70 см
Ширина: 100 см
0 €

Репродукция на холсте Золотой лист

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция на холсте Золотые папоротники

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Букет в золотой вазе

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотое лицо

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Девушка с золотым листом

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотая осень

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Женщина с золотыми губами

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция из пяти частей Дерево с серебристыми, золотыми и черными листьями

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 105 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотое яблоко

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 45 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотые листья

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Old Skool

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Картина из закаленного стекла Old Skool

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €
919 / мес. 8925 10500

Картина Золотой водопад, 100x70 см

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Картина Gold Dream

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 60 см, 80 см, 100 см, 140 см
Высота: 30 см, 40 см, 50 см, 70 см
0 €

Картина Black and Gold

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 60 см, 80 см, 100 см, 140 см
Высота: 30 см, 40 см, 50 см, 70 см
0 €
745 / мес. 9900

Зеркало LU/15, цвета золота

Стиль: Классический
Тип: Декоративные зеркала
Ширина: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотые листья, 50х70 см

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Репродукция Золотые листья

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Холст. Abstract Gold Mandala 39,99

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €

Печать холста. Золотые розы 39,99

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
865 / мес. 8399

Принт холста, листья золота - папоротника 59,99

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
4228 5874

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
4363 6036

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
4255 5906

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
4255 5906

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
4255 5906

"From journalist and poet Melissa Bond, a gripping account of the author's addiction to benzodiazepines (a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan) and the hidden dangers they pose. As Melissa mothers her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribesbenzodiazepines with little fanfare, increasing her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor's orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor--like many doctors--has over-prescribed the medication, and quitting cold-turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizure. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa begin the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Lyrical and immersive, 'Blood Orange Night' shines a light on the dark underside of benzodiazepines. According to the FDA, approximately 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions were filled in the US in 2019. In 2018, half of all benzodiazepine prescriptions filled were for two months or longer, despite recommended use of no more than fourteen days and evidence that physical dependence can occur within a week. Much like the opioid crisis that has rocked the nation, prescription benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic reaching a crisis point"-- A journalist recounts her accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence while caring from an infant daughter and special-needs son and details her harrowing months-long process of tapering off the medication. Brain on Fire meets High Achiever in this “page-turner memoir chronicling a woman’s accidental descent into prescription benzodiazepine dependence—and the life-threatening impacts of long-term use—that chills to the bone” (Nylon).As Melissa Bond raises her infant daughter and a special-needs one-year-old son, she suffers from unbearable insomnia, sleeping an hour or less each night. She loses her job as a journalist (a casualty of the 2008 recession), and her relationship with her husband grows distant. Her doctor casually prescribes benzodiazepines—a family of drugs that includes Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan—and increases her dosage on a regular basis. Following her doctor’s orders, Melissa takes the pills night after night; her body begins to shut down and she collapses while holding her infant daughter. Only then does Melissa learn that her doctor—like many doctors—has over-prescribed the medication and quitting cold turkey could lead to psychosis or fatal seizures. Benzodiazepine addiction is not well studied, and few experts know how to help Melissa as she begins the months-long process of tapering off the pills without suffering debilitating, potentially deadly consequences. Each page thrums with the heartbeat of Melissa’s struggle—how many hours has she slept? How many weeks old are her babies? How many milligrams has she taken? Her propulsive writing crescendos to a fever pitch as she fights for her health and her ability to care for her children. Lyrical and immersive, Blood Orange Night shines a light on the prescription benzodiazepine epidemic as it reaches a crisis point in this country.

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
738 / мес. 9799

Холст принт, дюны на золотом песке 59,99

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €

Масло для загара с бронзантом Australian Gold Intesifier 237 ml

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 60 см, 90 см, 100 см, 120 см
Высота: 40 см, 60 см, 70 см, 80 см
0 €
4999 5499

Золотые серьги с фианитами Gemmi 03AKS000523/1 03AKS000523/1

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 30 см, 60 см, 80 см, 100 см, 120 см, 125 см, 140 с...
Высота: 20 см, 40 см, 50 см, 60 см, 70 см
0 €

Золотая сова

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Золотая сова в яйце

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Абстрактные золотые листья

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 70 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €

Золотые руки

Тип: Картины
Ширина: 50 см
Высота: 70 см
0 €
865 / мес. 8400

Золотой дракон

Тип: Репродукции
Ширина: 100 см
Высота: 70 см