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This book gives a mathematical treatment of the introduction to qualitative differential equations and discrete dynamical systems. The treatment includes theoretical proofs, methods of calculation, and applications. The two parts of the book, continuous time of differential equations and discrete time of dynamical systems, can be covered independently in one semester each or combined together into a year long course. The material on differential equations introduces the qualitative or geometric approach through a treatment of linear systems in any dimensions. There follows chapters where equilibria are the most important feature, where scalar (energy) functions is the principal tool, where periodic orbits appear, and finally chaotic systems of differential equations. The many different approaches are systematically introduced through examples and theorems. The material on discrete dynamical systems starts with maps of one variable and proceeds to systems in higher dimensions. The treatment starts with examples where the periodic points can be found explicitly and then introduces symbolic dynamics to analyze where they can be shown to exist but not given in explicit form. Chaotic systems are presented both mathematically and more computationally using Lyapunov exponents. With the one-dimensional maps as models, the multidimensional maps cover the same material in higher dimensions. This higher dimensional material is less computational and more conceptual and theoretical. The final chapter on fractals introduces various dimensions which is another computational tool for measuring the complexity of a system. It also treats iterated function systems which give examples of complicated sets. In the second edition of the book, much of the material has been rewritten to clarify the presentation. Also, some new material has been included in both parts of the book. This book can be used as a textbook for an advanced undergraduate course on ordinary differential equations and/or dynamical systems. Prerequisites are standard courses in calculus (single variable and multivariable), linear algebra, and introductory differential equations.

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 51 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
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Vāze Mathew 1007013 18x19cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 19 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Harris 1138240 h25 d27 zaļa

Материал: Керамики
Высота: 27 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Mathew 1018681 10x24cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 24 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1058485 18cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 18 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1059477 35cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 35 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1059479 47cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 47 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1145135 51cm Ceriņi

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 51 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1145137 35cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 35 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1145138 35cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 35 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1145140 18cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 18 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1145141 18cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 18 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Daka 1145331 53cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 53 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Daka 1153162 24,5cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 24.5 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Daka 1153163 18cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 18 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Guan 147450 26cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 26 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Guan 147450 40cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 40 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
В корзину

Vāze Pinto 1145134 51cm

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 51 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.
4504 5855
В корзину

бутылка Mica Decorations Simone Стеклянный (14 x 12 cm)

Материал: Стекло
Высота: 14 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.

Vāze Harris 1138241 h30 d23 zaļa

Материал: Керамики
Высота: 30 см
Preču zīme: EDELMAN B.V.