'Williams's memoir is as flinty, earthy and plain-spoken as her songs' New York Times 'The often hilarious, occasionally harrowing Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is a bracingly candid chronicle of a sui generis character plotting a ramshackle but ultimately triumphant trajectory' Wall Street Journal 'An engaging read and beautifully written' MOJO The beloved and iconic singer-songwriter and three-time Grammy winner opens up about her traumatic childhood in the Deep South, her years of being overlooked in the music industry, and the stories that inspired her enduring songs. Lucinda Williams's rise to fame was anything but easy. Raised in a working-class family in the Deep South, she moved from town to town each time her father-a poet, a textbook salesman, a professor, a lover of parties-got a new job, totalling twelve different places by the time she was 18. Her mother suffered from severe mental illness and was in and out of hospitals. And when Williams was about a year old she had to have an emergency tracheotomy-an inauspicious start for a singing career. But she was also born a fighter, and she would develop a voice that has captivated millions. Lucinda Williams takes readers through the events that shaped her music-from performing for family friends in her living room to singing at local high schools and colleges, to recording her first album and headlining a sold-out show at Radio City Music Hall. She reveals the inspirations for her unforgettable lyrics, including the doomed love affairs with 'poets on motorcycles', and the gothic Southern landscapes of the many different towns of her youth. Williams spent years working at health food stores and record stores during the day so she could play her music at night, and faced record companies who told her that her music was 'too unfinished', 'too country for rock and too rock for country', and criticism that she didn't have the right voice for radio or TV. But her fighting spirit persevered, leading to a hard-won success that spans 17 Grammy nominations and a legacy as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of our time. Raw, intimate and honest, Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is an evocative reflection on an extraordinary woman's life journey.

Рекоменд. возраст от: 8 г.
Тип: Kонструкторы
Intereses: Здания
ID товара: 3898767
Продавец: KATARATA 4.6
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Продавец: KATARATA 4.6
  • 89% покупателей рекомендовали бы этого продавца.

Описание товара: 'Williams's memoir is as flinty, earthy and plain-spoken as her songs' New York Times 'The often hilarious, occasionally harrowing Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is a bracingly candid chronicle of a sui generis character plotting a ramshackle but ultimately triumphant trajectory' Wall Street Journal 'An engaging read and beautifully written' MOJO The beloved and iconic singer-songwriter and three-time Grammy winner opens up about her traumatic childhood in the Deep South, her years of being overlooked in the music industry, and the stories that inspired her enduring songs. Lucinda Williams's rise to fame was anything but easy. Raised in a working-class family in the Deep South, she moved from town to town each time her father-a poet, a textbook salesman, a professor, a lover of parties-got a new job, totalling twelve different places by the time she was 18. Her mother suffered from severe mental illness and was in and out of hospitals. And when Williams was about a year old she had to have an emergency tracheotomy-an inauspicious start for a singing career. But she was also born a fighter, and she would develop a voice that has captivated millions. Lucinda Williams takes readers through the events that shaped her music-from performing for family friends in her living room to singing at local high schools and colleges, to recording her first album and headlining a sold-out show at Radio City Music Hall. She reveals the inspirations for her unforgettable lyrics, including the doomed love affairs with 'poets on motorcycles', and the gothic Southern landscapes of the many different towns of her youth. Williams spent years working at health food stores and record stores during the day so she could play her music at night, and faced record companies who told her that her music was 'too unfinished', 'too country for rock and too rock for country', and criticism that she didn't have the right voice for radio or TV. But her fighting spirit persevered, leading to a hard-won success that spans 17 Grammy nominations and a legacy as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of our time. Raw, intimate and honest, Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is an evocative reflection on an extraordinary woman's life journey.

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'Williams's memoir is as flinty, earthy  and plain-spoken as her songs'   New York Times 'The often hilarious, occasionally harrowing Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is a bracingly candid chronicle of a sui generis character plotting a ramshackle but ultimately  triumphant trajectory'  Wall Street Journal 'An engaging read and beautifully written' MOJO  The beloved and iconic singer-songwriter and three-time Grammy winner opens up about her traumatic childhood in the Deep South, her years of being overlooked in the music industry, and the stories that inspired her enduring songs.  Lucinda Williams's rise to fame was anything but easy. Raised in a working-class family in the Deep South, she moved from town to town each time her father-a poet, a textbook salesman, a professor, a lover of parties-got a new job, totalling twelve different places by the time she was 18. Her mother suffered from severe mental illness and was in and out of hospitals. And when Williams was about a year old she had to have an emergency tracheotomy-an inauspicious start for a singing career.  But she was also born a fighter, and she would develop a voice that has captivated millions.  Lucinda Williams takes readers through the events that shaped her music-from performing for family friends in her living room to singing at local high schools and colleges, to recording her first album and headlining a sold-out show at Radio City Music Hall. She reveals the inspirations for her unforgettable lyrics, including the doomed love affairs with 'poets on motorcycles', and the gothic Southern landscapes of the many different towns of her youth. Williams spent years working at health food stores and record stores during the day so she could play her music at night, and faced record companies who told her that her music was 'too unfinished', 'too country for rock and too rock for country', and criticism that she didn't have the right voice for radio or TV. But her fighting spirit persevered, leading to a hard-won success that spans 17 Grammy nominations and a legacy as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of our time.  Raw, intimate and honest, Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is an evocative reflection on an extraordinary woman's life journey. Lego

Изображения носят исключительно иллюстративный характер и предназначены для демонстрации характеристик продукта. Товар, показанный на рисунке, не отражает конкретную модель продукта.


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Общая информация o: 'Williams's memoir is as flinty, earthy and plain-spoken as her songs' New York Times 'The often hilarious, occasionally harrowing Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is a bracingly candid chronicle of a sui generis character plotting a ramshackle but ultimately triumphant trajectory' Wall Street Journal 'An engaging read and beautifully written' MOJO The beloved and iconic singer-songwriter and three-time Grammy winner opens up about her traumatic childhood in the Deep South, her years of being overlooked in the music industry, and the stories that inspired her enduring songs. Lucinda Williams's rise to fame was anything but easy. Raised in a working-class family in the Deep South, she moved from town to town each time her father-a poet, a textbook salesman, a professor, a lover of parties-got a new job, totalling twelve different places by the time she was 18. Her mother suffered from severe mental illness and was in and out of hospitals. And when Williams was about a year old she had to have an emergency tracheotomy-an inauspicious start for a singing career. But she was also born a fighter, and she would develop a voice that has captivated millions. Lucinda Williams takes readers through the events that shaped her music-from performing for family friends in her living room to singing at local high schools and colleges, to recording her first album and headlining a sold-out show at Radio City Music Hall. She reveals the inspirations for her unforgettable lyrics, including the doomed love affairs with 'poets on motorcycles', and the gothic Southern landscapes of the many different towns of her youth. Williams spent years working at health food stores and record stores during the day so she could play her music at night, and faced record companies who told her that her music was 'too unfinished', 'too country for rock and too rock for country', and criticism that she didn't have the right voice for radio or TV. But her fighting spirit persevered, leading to a hard-won success that spans 17 Grammy nominations and a legacy as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of our time. Raw, intimate and honest, Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is an evocative reflection on an extraordinary woman's life journey.

ID товара: 3898767
Категория: Конструкторы и кубики
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,15 x 0,05 x 0,13 м, 0,5 кг
LEGO® серия: ELVES
Вид: LEGO®, elves kонструкторы
Необходимые батарейки: Нет
Тип батареи: Не указано
Смарт-устройство: Нет
Торговая марка: LEGO®
Рекоменд. возраст от: 8 г.
Тип: Kонструкторы
Intereses: Здания
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары LEGO

Изображения продуктов приведены исключительно в иллюстративных целях и являются примерными. Ссылки на видео в описании товара предназначены только для информационных целей, поэтому информация, которую они содержат, может отличаться от самого товара. Цвета, надписи, параметры, размеры, функции и/или любые другие характеристики оригинальных продуктов из-за их визуальных характеристик могут отличаться от реальных, поэтому, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со спецификациями продукта, приведенными в описании продукта.

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'Williams's memoir is as flinty, earthy and plain-spoken as her songs' New York Times 'The often hilarious, occasionally harrowing Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is a bracingly candid chronicle of a sui generis character plotting a ramshackle but ultimately triumphant trajectory' Wall Street Journal 'An engaging read and beautifully written' MOJO The beloved and iconic singer-songwriter and three-time Grammy winner opens up about her traumatic childhood in the Deep South, her years of being overlooked in the music industry, and the stories that inspired her enduring songs. Lucinda Williams's rise to fame was anything but easy. Raised in a working-class family in the Deep South, she moved from town to town each time her father-a poet, a textbook salesman, a professor, a lover of parties-got a new job, totalling twelve different places by the time she was 18. Her mother suffered from severe mental illness and was in and out of hospitals. And when Williams was about a year old she had to have an emergency tracheotomy-an inauspicious start for a singing career. But she was also born a fighter, and she would develop a voice that has captivated millions. Lucinda Williams takes readers through the events that shaped her music-from performing for family friends in her living room to singing at local high schools and colleges, to recording her first album and headlining a sold-out show at Radio City Music Hall. She reveals the inspirations for her unforgettable lyrics, including the doomed love affairs with 'poets on motorcycles', and the gothic Southern landscapes of the many different towns of her youth. Williams spent years working at health food stores and record stores during the day so she could play her music at night, and faced record companies who told her that her music was 'too unfinished', 'too country for rock and too rock for country', and criticism that she didn't have the right voice for radio or TV. But her fighting spirit persevered, leading to a hard-won success that spans 17 Grammy nominations and a legacy as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of our time. Raw, intimate and honest, Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is an evocative reflection on an extraordinary woman's life journey.
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