Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dram<br /> During the early 1990s, a series of savage wars was fought in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (SFRJ). The third of the conflicts in question, the war in Bosnia, was in its third year as of 1995. Already internationalised by multiple domestic and foreign actors, it was about to reach its peak and result in a major showdown.The war in Bosnia was foremost fought between Bosnian Serbs, supported by Belgrade; Bosnian Croats, supported by Zagreb; and Bosnian Muslims. It was characterised by widespread atrocities against civilians, which prompted hundreds of thousands to flee. The United Nations attempts at finding a negotiated settlement proved fruitless, despite the deployment of a sizeable contingent of peacekeepers. On the contrary, the Bosnian Muslims began receiving ever larger amounts of clandestine support from Iran, and also from Saudi Arabia and several other allied countries in the Middle East, while the USA began supporting the Croats. Upon constantly increasing popular pressure, the United Nations requested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to intervene.Officially at least, NATO initiated Operation Deliberate Force on 30 August 1995: deploying as many as 400 combat aircraft, over the following two weeks it flew 3,515 sorties against 338 Bosnian Serb targets. The damage caused by this assault forced the Serbs to lift the siege of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, remove heavy weapons from the UN-declared exclusion zone around the city, and safeguard other UN safe areas.However, Operation Deliberate Force was only the official part of what was going on in Bosnia during these days. Less-well-known is that Washington and Zagreb exploited the opportunity to run a series of offensives against the Serbian forces in Croatia and in Bosnia, forcing these into a general withdrawal towards the north-east. It was only in this way that Belgrade was eventually forced into negotiations that resulted in the Dayton Agreement, reached in November 1995, which brought the war in Bosnia to an end.Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dramatic weeks in Bosnia in August and September 1995.

Рама: Стальная
Количество передач: 1
Диаметр колёс: 20 "
ID товара: 9696111

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Описание товара: Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dram<br /> During the early 1990s, a series of savage wars was fought in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (SFRJ). The third of the conflicts in question, the war in Bosnia, was in its third year as of 1995. Already internationalised by multiple domestic and foreign actors, it was about to reach its peak and result in a major showdown.The war in Bosnia was foremost fought between Bosnian Serbs, supported by Belgrade; Bosnian Croats, supported by Zagreb; and Bosnian Muslims. It was characterised by widespread atrocities against civilians, which prompted hundreds of thousands to flee. The United Nations attempts at finding a negotiated settlement proved fruitless, despite the deployment of a sizeable contingent of peacekeepers. On the contrary, the Bosnian Muslims began receiving ever larger amounts of clandestine support from Iran, and also from Saudi Arabia and several other allied countries in the Middle East, while the USA began supporting the Croats. Upon constantly increasing popular pressure, the United Nations requested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to intervene.Officially at least, NATO initiated Operation Deliberate Force on 30 August 1995: deploying as many as 400 combat aircraft, over the following two weeks it flew 3,515 sorties against 338 Bosnian Serb targets. The damage caused by this assault forced the Serbs to lift the siege of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, remove heavy weapons from the UN-declared exclusion zone around the city, and safeguard other UN safe areas.However, Operation Deliberate Force was only the official part of what was going on in Bosnia during these days. Less-well-known is that Washington and Zagreb exploited the opportunity to run a series of offensives against the Serbian forces in Croatia and in Bosnia, forcing these into a general withdrawal towards the north-east. It was only in this way that Belgrade was eventually forced into negotiations that resulted in the Dayton Agreement, reached in November 1995, which brought the war in Bosnia to an end.Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dramatic weeks in Bosnia in August and September 1995.

Стальная рама Hi-Tec. Подходит для возраста 5-7л. Шины 20 дюймов. Передние тормоза V-образного типа. Задние ножные тормоза. Пластиковые педали. Вспомогательные колеса. Отражатели. Защита цепи. Вес 10,2 кг. Цвет - зелёный .

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Cube хорошо известен во всем мире и является одним из сильнейших производителей на рынке велосипедов. Компания Cube начала свою деятельность в 1993 году в Баварии, Германия. У студента Маркуса Пюрнера был уголок площадью 50 квадратных метров на мебельной фабрике его отца, где он начал ремонтировать и собирать велосипеды. Позже, после того как компания была создана и велосипеды стали очень популярны, предприятие выросло до 55 000 м² и сейчас экспортирует велосипеды в 32 страны мира. Текущий ассортимент состоит из более чем 350 велосипедов различных размеров и моделей.

Велосипеды Cube отличаются качеством, прочностью и долговечностью. Они изготовлены из высококачественного металлического сплава и оснащены всемирно известными деталями (шестерни, тормоза и т.д.). Еще одним важным фактором популярности велосипедов Cube является тестирование. Надежность и уверенность этих велосипедов подтверждается также тем, что на них ездят профессиональные спортсмены (команда профессиональных велосипедистов Wanty-Groupe Gobert выбрала их для участия в велогонке Тур де Франс в 2017 году). Велосипеды Cube также популярны среди любителей велоспорта и активного отдыха. Велосипеды подходят для всех возрастов, от детей до пожилых людей; а также подходят для различных целей. Детские велосипеды Cube отличаются стильным внешним видом, насыщенными цветами и удобством. Этот производитель использует в своих детских велосипедах качественные детали и компоненты, а не пластик, что гарантирует долгий срок службы.

Велосипеды Cube популярны среди подростков и молодых людей, потому что они обладают стильным, прочным и современным видом. Важно отметить, что CUBE также выпускает электрические велосипеды: с 2014 года производитель сотрудничает с немецкой компанией BOSCH, которая предлагает систему электрических велосипедов с 5 различными режимами езды. Электровелосипеды Cube отличаются комфортом, инновациями и качеством. Помимо велосипедов, этот производитель может предложить широкий ассортимент аксессуаров (комплекты освещения, компьютеры, поилки, держатели для напитков и т.д.) и велосипедной одежды.

Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dram<br />
During the early 1990s, a series of savage wars was fought in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (SFRJ). The third of the conflicts in question, the war in Bosnia, was in its third year as of 1995. Already internationalised by multiple domestic and foreign actors, it was about to reach its peak and result in a major showdown.The war in Bosnia was foremost fought between Bosnian Serbs, supported by Belgrade; Bosnian Croats, supported by Zagreb; and Bosnian Muslims. It was characterised by widespread atrocities against civilians, which prompted hundreds of thousands to flee. The United Nations attempts at finding a negotiated settlement proved fruitless, despite the deployment of a sizeable contingent of peacekeepers. On the contrary, the Bosnian Muslims began receiving ever larger amounts of clandestine support from Iran, and also from Saudi Arabia and several other allied countries in the Middle East, while the USA began supporting the Croats. Upon constantly increasing popular pressure, the United Nations requested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to intervene.Officially at least, NATO initiated Operation Deliberate Force on 30 August 1995: deploying as many as 400 combat aircraft, over the following two weeks it flew 3,515 sorties against 338 Bosnian Serb targets. The damage caused by this assault forced the Serbs to lift the siege of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, remove heavy weapons from the UN-declared exclusion zone around the city, and safeguard other UN safe areas.However, Operation Deliberate Force was only the official part of what was going on in Bosnia during these days. Less-well-known is that Washington and Zagreb exploited the opportunity to run a series of offensives against the Serbian forces in Croatia and in Bosnia, forcing these into a general withdrawal towards the north-east. It was only in this way that Belgrade was eventually forced into negotiations that resulted in the Dayton Agreement, reached in November 1995, which brought the war in Bosnia to an end.Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dramatic weeks in Bosnia in August and September 1995. Cube

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Общая информация o: Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dram<br /> During the early 1990s, a series of savage wars was fought in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (SFRJ). The third of the conflicts in question, the war in Bosnia, was in its third year as of 1995. Already internationalised by multiple domestic and foreign actors, it was about to reach its peak and result in a major showdown.The war in Bosnia was foremost fought between Bosnian Serbs, supported by Belgrade; Bosnian Croats, supported by Zagreb; and Bosnian Muslims. It was characterised by widespread atrocities against civilians, which prompted hundreds of thousands to flee. The United Nations attempts at finding a negotiated settlement proved fruitless, despite the deployment of a sizeable contingent of peacekeepers. On the contrary, the Bosnian Muslims began receiving ever larger amounts of clandestine support from Iran, and also from Saudi Arabia and several other allied countries in the Middle East, while the USA began supporting the Croats. Upon constantly increasing popular pressure, the United Nations requested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to intervene.Officially at least, NATO initiated Operation Deliberate Force on 30 August 1995: deploying as many as 400 combat aircraft, over the following two weeks it flew 3,515 sorties against 338 Bosnian Serb targets. The damage caused by this assault forced the Serbs to lift the siege of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, remove heavy weapons from the UN-declared exclusion zone around the city, and safeguard other UN safe areas.However, Operation Deliberate Force was only the official part of what was going on in Bosnia during these days. Less-well-known is that Washington and Zagreb exploited the opportunity to run a series of offensives against the Serbian forces in Croatia and in Bosnia, forcing these into a general withdrawal towards the north-east. It was only in this way that Belgrade was eventually forced into negotiations that resulted in the Dayton Agreement, reached in November 1995, which brought the war in Bosnia to an end.Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dramatic weeks in Bosnia in August and September 1995.

ID товара: 9696111
Категория: Велосипеды
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 1,16 x 0,2 x 0,55 м, 11,4 кг
Типы велосипедов: Детские
Вид: Aist, Детские велосипеды
Предназначен для: Универсальный
Торговая марка: Aist
Вес: 10.2 кг
Обода: 20
Задняя перекидка: Есть
Передняя перекидка: Есть
Ручка переключения передач: Не указано
Задние амортизаторы: Не указано
Рама: Стальная
Количество передач: 1
Диаметр колёс: 20 "
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары Aist

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Рейтинги и отзывы (1)

Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dram<br /> During the early 1990s, a series of savage wars was fought in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (SFRJ). The third of the conflicts in question, the war in Bosnia, was in its third year as of 1995. Already internationalised by multiple domestic and foreign actors, it was about to reach its peak and result in a major showdown.The war in Bosnia was foremost fought between Bosnian Serbs, supported by Belgrade; Bosnian Croats, supported by Zagreb; and Bosnian Muslims. It was characterised by widespread atrocities against civilians, which prompted hundreds of thousands to flee. The United Nations attempts at finding a negotiated settlement proved fruitless, despite the deployment of a sizeable contingent of peacekeepers. On the contrary, the Bosnian Muslims began receiving ever larger amounts of clandestine support from Iran, and also from Saudi Arabia and several other allied countries in the Middle East, while the USA began supporting the Croats. Upon constantly increasing popular pressure, the United Nations requested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to intervene.Officially at least, NATO initiated Operation Deliberate Force on 30 August 1995: deploying as many as 400 combat aircraft, over the following two weeks it flew 3,515 sorties against 338 Bosnian Serb targets. The damage caused by this assault forced the Serbs to lift the siege of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, remove heavy weapons from the UN-declared exclusion zone around the city, and safeguard other UN safe areas.However, Operation Deliberate Force was only the official part of what was going on in Bosnia during these days. Less-well-known is that Washington and Zagreb exploited the opportunity to run a series of offensives against the Serbian forces in Croatia and in Bosnia, forcing these into a general withdrawal towards the north-east. It was only in this way that Belgrade was eventually forced into negotiations that resulted in the Dayton Agreement, reached in November 1995, which brought the war in Bosnia to an end.Based on the author’s unique approach to local archives and those in the USA and the European-part of NATO, and illustrated by over 120 photographs and colour profiles, Operation Deliberate Force is the first ever authoritative, inclusive and richly illustrated account of the combat operations run by all of the involved parties during the four dramatic weeks in Bosnia in August and September 1995.

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