Southern Peloponnese: 5 car tours, 50 long and short walks with GPS 3rd Revised edition

Autors: Cullen Michael
Lapaspušu skaits: 160
Izdošanas gads: 2019
Preces ID: 23271671

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Preces apraksts: Southern Peloponnese: 5 car tours, 50 long and short walks with GPS 3rd Revised edition

The go-to Southern Peloponnese travel guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover the Southern Peloponnese on foot with the Sunflower Southern Peloponnese travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Southern Peloponnese guide is indispensable for hiking in the Peloponnese or seeing the Peloponnese by car. There are hidden landscapes throughout mainland Greece, but the region which packs the most variety into the smallest space is the Peloponnese. From the beaches of Arcadia to the fir forests of Mt Parnon, from the olive groves of Kalamata to the pyramidal peak of Prophet Elijah, from classical Sparta to medieval Mani, this compact semi-island has it all. Though the ancients called it 'the island of Pelops', after their mythical king, this three-fingered landmass is joined to the mainland by a narrow isthmus at Corinth. Only in the 19th century was a canal finally cut through the isthmus, but it retains the cultural diversity and spectacular scenery of the mainland. Because there's so much to discover, the author has drawn an east-west line roughly through the middle of the Peloponnese, and limited the book to the southern half. By good fortune, this contains its highest mountain range (Mt Taygetus), its finest Byzantine chapels and medieval forts (in the Mani), its wildest seascapes (Capes Tainaron and Maleas), its largest forest (Mt Parnon) and, arguably, some of its loveliest beaches (Pylos, Kiparissi and Elafonisos, to name just a few. Whatever your age or ability we've got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable holiday in the southern Peloponnese. Inside the Sunflower Southern Peloponnese guide book you'll find: * 50 long and short walks for all ages and abilities - each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk * Topographical walking maps - give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain with a scale of 1:50 000 * Free downloadable gps tracks - for the techies * Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists * 5 car tours and fold-out touring map - for easy reference on your tour * Strolls to idyllic picnic spots - enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way * Timetables for public transport - ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday * Online update service for the latest information Whether you tour the islands by car or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.

Kopīgā informācija par: Southern Peloponnese: 5 car tours, 50 long and short walks with GPS 3rd Revised edition

Preces ID: 23271671
Kategorija: Ceļojumu apraksti, ceļveži
Preču iepakojumu skaits: 1 gab.
Iepakojuma izmēri un svars (1): 0,03 x 0,12 x 0,21 m, 0,3 kg
Izdevniecība: Sunflower Books
Izdošanas valoda: Angļu
Valsts: Grieķija
Tips: Ceļojumu apraksti, ceļveži
Autors: Cullen Michael
Lapaspušu skaits: 160
Izdošanas gads: 2019

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