Come Together: The secret to deep, meaningful, elevated sex

Autors: Lacey Haynes, Flynn Talbot
Lapaspušu skaits: 352
Izdošanas gads: 2023
Preces ID: 23270166

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Preces apraksts: Come Together: The secret to deep, meaningful, elevated sex

After experiencing the age-old cliche of their sex life drying up in their long-term relationship, Lacey and Flynn decided to do something about it. After years of dedicated effort exploring and understanding their sexual woes, they began having the best sex of their lives, and decided to share their findings with the world. This book is a manifesto and guide, showing singles and couples who have ever struggled with lacklustre sex or a desire-divide how to create a thriving sex life for both. Gone are the days of rejection, obligatory sex and dry spells. It's time now for elevated sex that's deep, meaningful and hugely pleasurable for both partners. Come Together is a no-nonsense guide, replete with unconventional teachings distilled from personal and professional experience delivered in a way that shows that Lacey and Flynn have done the work, shared the work and know the work works. They saved their relationship through better sex, and they might just be able to save yours, too.

Kopīgā informācija par: Come Together: The secret to deep, meaningful, elevated sex

Preces ID: 23270166
Kategorija: Pašpalīdzības grāmatas
Preču iepakojumu skaits: 1 gab.
Iepakojuma izmēri un svars (1): 0,03 x 0,15 x 0,23 m, 0,42 kg
Izdevniecība: Little, Brown Book Group
Izdošanas valoda: Angļu
Tips: Attiecības
Autors: Lacey Haynes, Flynn Talbot
Lapaspušu skaits: 352
Izdošanas gads: 2023

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