Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide For Separation, Liberation & Inspiration (Letting Go, Narcissistic Mother)

Autors: Karen C.L. Anderson, Katherine Woodward Thomas
Lapaspušu skaits: Nav norādīts
Izdošanas gads: 2018
Preces ID: 21447547

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Preces apraksts: Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide For Separation, Liberation & Inspiration (Letting Go, Narcissistic Mother)

The best news on the planet is that your mother doesn’t have to change in order for you to be happy. In fact, author Karen C.L. Anderson will take it a step further and say, your mother doesn’t have to change in order for you to be free, peaceful, contented, and joyful.Inspired by her own journey, Anderson’s Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide For Inspiration & Liberation shows women how to emotionally separate from their mothers without guilt and anxiety so they can finally create a life based on their own values, desires, needs, and preferences. Not to mention being able to like and respect themselves during the process. This is what Anderson calls “Alpha Mare” status. Through personal stories and experiences, practical tools that can used right away to feel better, and journal prompts, Anderson compassionately leads women who struggle in their relationships with their mothers through a process of self-awareness and understanding. Anderson's work with hundreds of women and her own personal work have resulted in profound growth and transformation. Anderson knows the results are nothing short of miraculous.This book is about Anderson discovering and accepting the whole of who she is (separate from her mother), and making her discoveries accessible to women struggling to redefine their challenging relationships with their mothers. Her writing is relatable, real, funny, and compassionate.What You'll Learn Inside This Book:Why mothers and daughters tend to have difficult relationships.How to heal and transform your mother "wounds" from sources of pain into sources of creativity and wisdomHow to tell your stories in a way that empowers you, rather than making you powerless.How to handle the uncomfortable emotions that seem inevitable when it comes to your relationship with your motherThe art of creating, articulating, and maintaining impeccable boundaries.How to stop "shoulding" when it comes to yourself and your mother.How to "re-mother" yourself and acknowledge, honor, and meet your own preferences and needs.And much, much more.
The author of a 100,000 copy-selling book on mother/daughter relationships takes readers to the next level: This is the definitive book on understanding and overcoming this family dynamic with practical steps on forgiving and flourishing.

Kopīgā informācija par: Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide For Separation, Liberation & Inspiration (Letting Go, Narcissistic Mother)

Preces ID: 21447547
Kategorija: Pašpalīdzības grāmatas
Preču iepakojumu skaits: 1 gab.
Iepakojuma izmēri un svars (1): 0,35 x 0,25 x 0,1 m, 0,5 kg
Izdevniecība: Mango Media
Izdošanas valoda: Angļu
Grāmatas vāku tips: Mīkstie
Formāts: Tradicionālā grāmata
Tips: Māmiņām
Grāmatas fragments:
Autors: Karen C.L. Anderson, Katherine Woodward Thomas
Lapaspušu skaits: Nav norādīts
Izdošanas gads: 2018

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Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide For Separation, Liberation & Inspiration (Letting Go, Narcissistic Mother)
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