Lies about Black People: How to Combat Racist Stereotypes and Why It Matters

Autors: Omekongo Dibinga, Michael Eric Dyson
Lapaspušu skaits: 232
Izdošanas gads: 2023
Preces ID: 24499046
Pārdevējs: Krisostomus Latvija 4.9
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13. augustā


Uzmanību! Piegādes nosacījumi ir provizoriski, jo noteikumi tiek atjaunināti atkarībā no faktiskā pasūtījuma veikšanas laika un apmaksas. Galīgais piegādes termiņš tiek norādīts, kad apstiprina pasūtījumu.

Pārdevējs: Krisostomus Latvija 4.9
  • 98% pircēju ieteiktu šo pārdevēju.

Preces apraksts: Lies about Black People: How to Combat Racist Stereotypes and Why It Matters

In many ways, race has come to the forefront of contemporary American life. From the Black Lives Matter movement sparked by unarmed police shootings of black people to the health and economic disparities exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have been forced to reckon with our country's fraught history - and present - of racial bias and inequality. Now that we have scratched the surface on courageous conversations about race, many are wondering: what is the next step towards healing and justice? Lies About Black People: Challenging Common Racist Stereotypes on Our Path to Common Antiracist Understanding is designed for anyone who wants to examine their own biases and behaviors with a deeper critical lens in order to take action, make change, and engage positively in the fight for racial equality. In this honest and welcoming book, diversity and inclusion expert, professor, and award-winning speaker Dr. Omekongo Dibinga argues that we must embark on a massive undertaking to re-educate ourselves on the stereotypes that have proven harmful, and too often deadly, to the black community. Through personal anecdotes, nuanced historical inquiry, and engaging analysis of modern-day events and their historical context and implications, this invaluable guide will break down some of the most powerful lies told about black people. Whether those lies are pernicious, like the idea that "most black people are criminals," or seemingly innocuous, like "black people can't swim," all of the lies and stereotypes combatted in this book are rooted in hate and continue to undermine not only black people in America, but our society as a whole. Beyond combatting these harmful lies, Dr. Dibinga also provides readers with powerful insights on our racial vocabulary, reflective hands-on exercises that will allow readers to confront and change their own biases, and an honest discussion about how to move beyond misplaced shame and use privilege to serve others. Featuring personal surveys alongside real-life interviews with those who have been affected by racial biases first-hand, this open and thoughtful guide will lead readers on a path to understanding, action, and change.

Kopīgā informācija par: Lies about Black People: How to Combat Racist Stereotypes and Why It Matters

Preces ID: 24499046
Kategorija: Sociālo zinātņu grāmatas
Preču iepakojumu skaits: 1 gab.
Iepakojuma izmēri un svars (1): 0,02 x 0,16 x 0,23 m, 0,5 kg
Izdevniecība: Prometheus Books
Izdošanas valoda: Angļu
Tips: Socioloģija
Autors: Omekongo Dibinga, Michael Eric Dyson
Lapaspušu skaits: 232
Izdošanas gads: 2023

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