Man's Search for Meaning (International Edition)

Autors: Viktor E Frankl
Lapaspušu skaits: Nenurodyta
Izdošanas gads: 2019
Preces ID: 24527246
Pārdevējs: Krisostomus Latvija 4.9
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Rīgā, veikalā (Krasta iela 52)

3. augustā


Rīgā, veikalā (Latgales iela 257 (T/C "AKROPOLE Rīga"))

3. augustā


Latvijas Pasts nodaļā

5. augustā


Latvijas Pasts pakomātā

5. augustā


Smartpost terminālī

5. augustā


Saņemiet DPD Pickup punktā

5. augustā


Piegādāsim uz mājām

5. augustā


Saņemiet Omniva pakomātā

6. augustā


Uzmanību! Piegādes nosacījumi ir provizoriski, jo noteikumi tiek atjaunināti atkarībā no faktiskā pasūtījuma veikšanas laika un apmaksas. Galīgais piegādes termiņš tiek norādīts, kad apstiprina pasūtījumu.

Daugavpilī, veikalā (Cietokšņa iela 60 (T/C "Ditton Nams"))

3. augustā


Liepājā, veikalā (Siena iela 4 (blakus Pētertirgum))

3. augustā


Latvijas Pasts nodaļā

5. augustā


Latvijas Pasts pakomātā

5. augustā


Smartpost terminālī

5. augustā


Saņemiet DPD Pickup punktā

5. augustā


Piegādāsim uz mājām

5. augustā


Saņemiet Omniva pakomātā

6. augustā


Uzmanību! Piegādes nosacījumi ir provizoriski, jo noteikumi tiek atjaunināti atkarībā no faktiskā pasūtījuma veikšanas laika un apmaksas. Galīgais piegādes termiņš tiek norādīts, kad apstiprina pasūtījumu.

Pārdevējs: Krisostomus Latvija 4.9
  • 98% pircēju ieteiktu šo pārdevēju.

Preces apraksts: Man's Search for Meaning (International Edition)

We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life-daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.When Man's Search for Meaning was first published in 1959, it was hailed by Carl Rogers as "one of the outstanding contributions to psychological thought in the last fifty years." Now, more than forty years and 4 million copies later, this tribute to hope in the face of unimaginable loss has emerged as a true classic. Man's Search for Meaning--at once a memoir, a self-help book, and a psychology manual-is the story of psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's struggle for survival during his three years in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. Yet rather than "a tale concerned with the great horrors," Frankl focuses in on the "hard fight for existence" waged by "the great army of unknown and unrecorded." Viktor Frankl's training as a psychiatrist allowed him a remarkable perspective on the psychology of survival. In these inspired pages, he asserts that the "the will to meaning" is the basic motivation for human life. This simple and yet profound statement became the basis of his psychological theory, logotherapy, and forever changed the way we understand our humanity in the face of suffering. As Nietzsche put it, "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." Frankl's seminal work offers us all an avenue to greater meaning and purpose in our own lives-a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the act of living.

Kopīgā informācija par: Man's Search for Meaning (International Edition)

Preces ID: 24527246
Kategorija: Sociālo zinātņu grāmatas
Preču iepakojumu skaits: 1 gab.
Iepakojuma izmēri un svars (1): 0,03 x 0,3 x 0,4 m, 0,3 kg
Izdevniecība: Beacon Press
Izdošanas valoda: Angļu
Tips: Socioloģija
Autors: Viktor E Frankl
Lapaspušu skaits: Nenurodyta
Izdošanas gads: 2019

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