Robots putekļu sūcējs Dreame Z10 Pro, Ar mazgāšanas funkciju, Automātiskā tīrīšana

Darba platība, m2: 120
Akumulatora ietilpība: 5200 mAh
Mazgāšanas funkcija: Ar mazgāšanas funkciju
Preces ID: 12354123

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The Dreame Z10 Pro Cleaning Robot with emptying/charging station

Forget about emptying the dust tank often! The emptying station has a 4l tank that lasts up to 65 days! Do you have a big house? Very well! Robot can remember the layout of the rooms, even on 3 floors. Intelligently avoids obstacles, thanks to built-in sensors. You can also schedule when the Z10 Pro should start cleaning with the schedule function. The device is also compatible with Amazon Alexa. Activate the virtual wall if the robot should bypass selected rooms from cleaning. The app lets you set the water level depending on the area you're cleaning, and the long-lasting battery provides about 2.5 hours of use. Z10 Pro is irreplaceable in the fight against dust, check it out for yourself!

4l dust container

The Dreame Z10 Pro features a 4l dust container, which means it lasts 65 days. When cleaning a 120 m² area, the device collects about 100ml of dirt. During daily vacuuming, the tank will be full in about 4 days and the dust will be transferred to the emptying station. However, if you use the Z10 Pro for 5 days a week, the dust bag will be filled in about 65 days.

It will empty the tank for you

Manually emptying the dust container is unhygienic and can often be annoying, which is why Dreame designed the Z10 Pro. The robot empties the container itself, so you avoid direct contact with dirt and save time. What's more, the container is emptied after each cleaning, and by using air circulation, the base pulls dust from the container more efficiently.

Creates maps of 3 floors

Dreame Z10 Pro quickly remembers the layout of rooms in your home. This is thanks to an enhanced LiDAR system that uses thousands of laser points per second to quickly and accurately create a room map. The Dreame Z10 Pro will especially work well for large homes, as it can memorize maps of as many as 3 floors!

Smart, precise

Dreame Z10 Pro is an unparalleled ally in the fight against dust! The device thoroughly cleans floors without skipping over surfaces such as edges. It will also easily get into the carpet. High-quality 3D scanners emit a laser to measure the exact distance between objects and sensors. This way, the robot automatically recognizes furniture, cables or stairs and avoids them.

5200 mAh battery

The Z10 Pro features a 5200 mAh battery that can clean surfaces for up to 2.5 hours. The robot automatically increases the power to a maximum of 4000 Pa when cleaning the carpet, also collecting dust hidden in its fibers. So you can be sure that the floor is free from dirt and the allergens.

The irreplaceable V-shaped brush

The Dreame robot has an improved rotary brush. It combines the benefits of a V-shaped brush and a rubber brush that easily picks up hair from the surface and prevents it from getting tangled.

Set the water level

Z10 Pro not only has a vacuuming function, but also can mop the floor. The robot is equipped with a 150 ml tank. It supports 3 water levels, which you can set via the app depending on the type of surfaces to be cleaned. In this way, you will avoid water leakage and damage to delicate surfaces.

"Hey, Alexa, start cleaning."

The Dreame cleaning robot can be controlled via an app, making it even easier to use. Give a command with a few clicks and let the apartment be cleaned for you. The device is also compatible with Amazon Alexa. With just a voice command, the Z10 Pro will start cleaning.

Take control of the Z10 Pro!

With the app, you can choose to do all or partial surface cleaning. Your child is sleeping, and you don't want the robot's work to wake him up? Set up a virtual wall and the Z10 Pro will avoid the selected room. The device also has a scheduling function, so you can plan the vacuuming of selected rooms. Would you like to have your living room cleaned at 9:30 and then the bedroom at 10:20? The choice is yours!

In the box

  • Robot

  • Auto-emptying base

  • Cleaning tool

  • Power cord

  • Water tank

  • Mop pad

  • Side brush

  • Dust collection bag

  • User manual



Dreame Bot Z10 Pro

Z10 Pro


Robot size
353 x 350 x 96.8 mm

Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2.4 GHz

Rated input (robot)
220 - 240 V

Rated power (robot)
46 W

Battery capacity
5200 mAh

Dust tank capacity (robot)
400 ml

Water tank capacity
150 ml

Auto-emptying base size
302 x 403 x 483 mm

Rated input (auto-emptying base)
100 - 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 0.5 A

Rated output (auto-emptying base)
19.8 V

CE marķējums ir izstrādājuma ražotāja paziņojums, ka produkts atbilst tam piemērojamām Eiropas Komisijas direktīvu prasībām.


"Atklājiet vēl nebijušas iespējas" – "Dreame" zīmola sauklis.
2015. gadā dibinātais "Dreame Technology" ir inovatīvs uzņēmums ar skaidru vīziju uzlabot pasaules patērētāju dzīves kvalitāti. Uzņēmums koncentrējas uz augstas klases tīrīšanas ierīcēm, kurās izmanto astrodinamisko tehnoloģiju. 2017. gada beigās "Dreame" pievienojās "Xiaomi" ekoķēdai kā virzītājspēks un vadošais uzņēmums viedo mājsaimniecības tīrīšanas ierīču jomā.
Pie "Dreame" inovatīvajiem produktiem strādā daudzi pasaules klases universitāšu inženieri - vadošie eksperti aviācijas un kosmosa dinamikas jomā. Uzņēmums katru nedēļu rīko zinātnes un tehnoloģiju pasākumus, lai apspriestu produktu attīstību un patērētāju vajadzības.
Turklāt pastāvīgi tiek veikti dažādi pētījumi, analizējot klientu ikdienas vajadzības, kā arī veic uzlabojumus un paplašina produktu klāstu, lai tīrīšanas procesu padarītu vieglāku un vēl patīkamāku ikvienam.
"Dreame" tagad piedāvā modernas iekārtas, piemēram, robotus-putekļsūcējus, slotas tipa putekļsūcējus un dažādus piederumus, ar kuriem var tīrīt pat visgrūtāk tīrāmās virsmas bez nevēlamiem trokšņiem (pateicoties īpašai trokšņu kontroles sistēmai) un bez papildu grūtībām.

Dreame Z10 Pro Dreame

Fotogrāfijai ir tikai aprakstoša nozīme, tā paredzēta preču īpašību demonstrēšanai. Fotogrāfijā parādītā prece neatspoguļo konkrētu preces modeli.

Kopīgā informācija par: Dreame Z10 Pro

Preces ID: 12354123
Kategorija: Putekļu sūcēji - roboti
Preču iepakojumu skaits: 1 gab.
Iepakojuma izmēri un svars (1): 0,04 x 0,01 x 0,01 m, 3,76 kg
Preču zīme: Dreame
Funkcijas: Daudzlīmeņu kartēšanas sistēma, Dokstacija, Mazgāšanas funkcija, Mitrā uzkopšana, Pašattīrīšanās sistēma, Šķēršļu noteikšana, Telpas kartes izveide, Viedā ierīce
Skats: Dreame, daudzlīmeņu kartēšanas sistēma, Dreame, dokstacija, Dreame, mazgāšanas funkcija, Dreame, mitrā uzkopšana, Dreame, pašattīrīšanās sistēma, Dreame, Šķēršļu noteikšana, Dreame, telpas kartes izveide, Dreame, viedā ierīce
Sūkšanas jauda: 4000 Pa
Krāsa: Pelēka
Augstums: 9.26 cm
Platums: 29 cm
Svars: 0.86 kg
Netīrumu tvertnes ietilpība: 0.4 l
Mitrā uzkopšana:
Ūdens tvertnes tilpums: 150 ml
Orientēšanās pēc kartes:
Automātiskā tīrīšana: Automātiskā tīrīšana
Uzlādes laiks: 2.5 st
Akumulatora darbības laiks: 150 min
Darba platība, m2: 120
Akumulatora ietilpība: 5200 mAh
Mazgāšanas funkcija: Ar mazgāšanas funkciju
Visas šī zīmola preces: Visas Dreame preces

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Dreame Z10 Pro

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